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The nausea hits first, my breakfast swirling in my stomach as I regain my composure. I grip my forehead as the rooms spins around me and my feet give out under me.

I fall to the floor, my shoulder cracking as I smack into concrete, letting out a groan as I pop it back into place.

"Who's there?!" A voice shouts from the void. The question comes in and out as I weave through consciousness.

"I said who's there!?" It calls again.

I prop myself up on my elbows, the grey and dimly lit room coming into focus. I'm in some type of basement, the floor cold and damp as I try to move.

"I'm giving you 10 seconds to tell me who you are before I attack," The familiar voice says from behind a makeshift wall.

I'm suddenly jolted awake as I recognize it, my mothers familiar tone bringing me back to life.

"Mo- Mom. Mom?" I stutter out, the words in my mind not computing to my mouth. "Mom it's me- It's Everett."

I watch as her wand slowly peaks out, pauses, and then her head rounds corner. Our eyes meet and I immediately burst into tears, my feet scrambling underneath me as I try to stand.

"Mom!" I cry, leaping across the room and falling into her arms.

Her familiar scent overtakes me as we collapse on the floor together, our bodies intertwined in happiness.

Her hand pets the top of my head, "Everett... What in the world are you doing here?"

"Mom..." I sob into her jacket, the same one she was wearing the last time I saw her. "I'm so sorry Mom, I'm so sorry."

I kisses my forehead, "There's nothing to be sorry about love. I don't understand..."

I pull away and meet her hazel eyes, being overtaken by shamefullness as I realize I now have to confess to her everything I've done.

"I have to-" I swallow hard. "I have to tell you something."

She chuckles to herself, still blissfully unaware of what I'm about to say. "How did you even find me?"

"Aunt Cynthia told me about the other ring, the portkey." Her eyes grow wide. "I found it in a shop in Diagon Alley."

"Incredible..." She whispers to herself.  "I thought we might never find it again but I should have known it would bring us together."

I shake my head, "I have to tell you something really important but... I need you to let me explain before you get upset."

Her gaze falls as her brow furrows, "Sure, you know you can always tell me anything."

"Okay..." I say, unsure of how to start. "I came here because I need to warn you."

"Warn me?" She questions. "Warn me about what?"

I sigh, "Someone is looking for something... something of... Dad's."

I feel her body tense, any sense of our joyful reunion gone. "How do you know this?"

I shrug stupidly, "Well... I'm- You have to let me explain."

She shakes her head violently, only stopping when she notices the snake peaking out from under the left sleeve of my sweatshirt.

She grabs it tightly and pulls it up to reveal my dark mark. "Everett how could you? Did nothing I told you about your father sink in? You're going to get yourself killed!"

My eyes brim with tears as I stare blankly back at her. "Please mom, you said you would let me explain."

Swallowing her pride, she doesn't say anything, giving me a subtle nod to continue.

"When I first got Hogwarts I was sorted into Slytherin and then I met this boy... I heard some things about him and I egged him one night while we were fighting, I shouldn't- I shouldn't have been so stupid. I yelled some things to him and a professor who's also a Death Eater overheard and was going to obliviate me but... Draco, the boy, he stopped him and I was forced to join."

"Everett." She stops me. "These men are all the same. Your father, this Draco boy, there's no difference-"

"No mom, Draco's not Grindelwald and I'm not-"

She shutters at my father's name, stopping me before I can make things worse. "So you really care for this boy?"

I roll my eyes at her condescending tone, "I think I do. But we need your help."

She sighs, "Oh Everett, I try so hard to keep you safe and... Alright, what can I do?"

I smile, hugging her tightly. "Thank you."

She laughs, "Don't thank me yet, let's see if I can get you out of this mess."

"Voldemort, he wants something. Something of dads, a-"

"A wand," She finishes. "I should've guessed he would come looking for it..."

I nod, "He's desperate for it, but he doesn't know where it is. When he found out Grindelwald was my father he asked if I knew but I told him I didn't... Then he asked if you might know."

"And you said?" She asks.

I lower my eyes, "I said you might. He's going to look for you, and in my opinion it's better to let him find you. He won't hurt you, we have a deal."

"Never trust deals with the devil." She states.

I sigh, another person who doesn't believe me. "So long as we can find him this wand, he'll keep you safe."

"If he gets Gellert's wand," She scratches her head, lost in thought. "It's game over."

I shut my eyes, "Really?"

"Unless..." She begins. "Unless the wand doesn't answer to him."


"To gain control of the wand you must win it from the previous owner in a duel." She sits upright. "If Voldemort never wins it, it will never answer to him. It will still be powerful but not nearly as powerful as he hopes."

"Mom?" I ask. "Why does he want dads wand so badly?"

"It's the most powerful wand on earth," She says matter of factly. "It was before your father had it, and continues to be long after he lost it."

"Well who has it now?"

She shrugs, "I can hardly remember the man's name who won it... Albus maybe?"

My jaw drops, "Albus Dumbledore?"

She lights up, "Yes! That's his name. So all you'll have to do is get someone besides Voldemort to take control of the wand."

"Mom..." I say, a devilish grin forming. "I think I have a plan."


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