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I pin my hair back on either side, my hand shaking from nerves as I slip the bobby pin between the strands. I sigh deeply, pinching my cheeks and hoping to regain some color as I stare blankly at myself in the mirror.

I could hardly recognize myself; my eyes set deeper than I remember them, my lips in a constant frown and my collarbones gaunt and suck looking.

The party was roaring downstairs, the crack of each Death Eater apparating into the manor signifying that the Christmas Eve festivities had begun.

I ran my fingers along the black dress Narcissa had let me borrow, the lacy fabric hugging my curves. I hadn't worn a dress this nice since Slughorn's party, keeping to my jeans and sweaters in the cold of the English countryside.

"Ready?" Draco calls from outside the bathroom.

"Coming!" I shout back, checking myself over once more before exiting into the hallway.

I shut the door quietly behind me, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear as I turn to Draco. His eyes widen as I stand before him, his fingers running across his lips, "You look... Stunning."

I blush, "Thanks, I really appreciate your mom letting me wear her dress."

"Did you end up getting any sleep last night?" He asks curiously.

I shrug, "A little. I woke up every couple of hours... but the tea helped a lot."

He nods with a smirk, "Are you hungry? Weezy said you didn't call her for lunch."

"No, I was too nervous I suppose. Your mom brought me up fruit when she gave me the dress so I've had a little bit to eat." I respond quietly.

He steps closer, "You really don't have to worry. The party will be fine, just relax and soak up the attention."

I chuckle, "You must not know me very well..."

He smiles, reaching his hand out and taking mine as he tugs me lightly toward him. We stand off to the side of the stairs, the noise from downstairs filtering up as we stand inches from each other.

"Before we go down, I want to give you something." Draco says quietly, his left arm fumbling around in his pocket.

My breath quickens as he produces a small green present with a red bow placed neatly on top. He hands it to me and watches intently as I unwrap it carefully, a black jewelry box taking shape.

I meet his eyes as I open it delicately, a silver necklace with a moonstone charm laid beautifully inside.

"It's not much but..." He says embarrassed. "It reminded me of your ring."

"Draco..." I begin, my mouth falling open as I search for the words.

He takes in a sharp breath, "If you hate it I'll-"

Before I can think about what I'm doing I cut him off with a kiss, our lips meeting tenderly as I cup his cheek. His back goes rigid for a moment before I he takes my face in his hands, smiling lightly as our mouths part.

I break away first, meeting his startled grey eyes as we stare at each other. His breath is ragged as our chests rise and fall, "What- Uh... What was that for?"

I shrug, "I'm not sure, it just... felt right, I guess."

He smiles, dimples forming as he takes the necklace from my hands. He places a warm palm on my shoulder and spins me around so my back is to him. He brushes the hair off my back and clasps the jewelry around my neck.

"This isn't enchanted right? I'm not the next Katie Bell am I?" I tease, turning back to face him.

His face falls as he playfully rolls his eyes, "A few days as a Death Eater and you're already making jokes?"

"If you haven't noticed, it's how I handle uncomfortable situations." I add with a laugh. "Seriously Draco, where on earth did you find this?"

He shrugs, "Some store in London. I went one afternoon a little while back and it reminded me of you. I was waiting for the perfect moment to give it to you."

"I adore it," I say sweetly, taking his hand.

He squeezes my fingers reassuringly, "Ready to go?"

I nod as we head off down the stairs, the ballroom next to the foyer bumping with cheerful music and chanting.

The dark and drab setting of the Manor I was used to was now decorated with string lights, garland, and tinsel. A glowing tree stood tall in the corner of the room, presents stacked high underneath as the guests danced and chatted around plates of food.

"Do you do this every year?" I ask, stunned at the lavish gala.

Draco laughs, "This is our first in a while. We used to have them every year but when things picked up with... You-know-who, we didn't really have time. My Father figured now would be a good time to bring them back."

"It's incredible," I announce as we walk into the ballroom, most of the attendants turning to watch.

Christmas's at my house we're simple compared to what Draco appeared to be used to. My Mother and I would exchange gifts, a book or small trinket we saw, then cook a turkey together and sit in front of a fire.

I suddenly felt very out of my depth, like I had stumbled into a party I was clearly not invited to.

And a part of me was right, I wasn't invited to the Malfoy's festivities until a few days ago.

Draco doesn't let go of my hand as we stride across the dance floor to where his parents sit laughing. The table was filled with some of the men from the meeting and a few others I didn't recognize. They fall silent as we stand above them, the music changing to a slower song.

"Well if it isn't Miss Everett Bingham, the newest Death Eater." One of the men I hadn't met boasts. "I've heard a lot about you..."

"Hopefully good things," I retort lightly.

"Apparently we missed quite the battle between you and Lucius!" Another man calls, slapping Draco's father on the back, mockingly.

They laugh loudly amongst themselves at Lucius's expense until they notice our intertwined hands.

They're eyes widen as the man next to Lucius wraps him again, "Looks like Draco's finally found himself a girl!"

"Why yes," A familiar voice says from behind us. "It appears he has."

Both Draco and I go stiff as we recognize who it came from, our bodies slowly turning to face him.

Standing before us is none other than Blaise Zabini.


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