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The familiar scent of the Room of Requirement washes over me, calming me instantly. I step out of the vanishing cabinet, nearly tripping over a limp body sprawled out in front.

I gasp loudly, jumping back as I see Draco lying lifeless on the floor. I kneel next to him, shaking him violently.

"Draco! Draco are you alright!" I shout, choking on my words.

He stirs awake, his eyes bolting open at the sound of my voice as his feet scramble below him. He wraps me in his arms and squeezes as tight as he can.

"Where the bloody hell have you been?" He pants out. "It's been hours, the sun is down!"

I try to respond but I can't, my body going numb under his touch, the weight of the days events consuming me.

He notices the change and pulls me away, "Are you alright?"

"Never better," I say, grabbing his face and kissing him passionately, my fingers racing through his hair and tugging gently, desperate for another shot of adrenaline. He wraps his hand around my waist and yanks me against his chest, no matter how close we get, we aren't close enough.

He pulls away after a moment, his eyes wide. "I'm certainly glad you aren't dead. Still, I'm sorry for scaring you when you got back."

"No I'm sorry," I answer shamefully, wrapping him my arms. "When I got to Borgin and Burke's, everyone was having a meeting. Bellatrix caught me and I was forced into talking to Voldemort."

He backs up, his eyes wide and his eyebrow lifted. "They we're having a meeting? Without us?"

I shrug, "Yeah. I mean none of the students were there, just your parents, Bellatrix, some other Death Eaters and Voldemort."

"Oh," he sighs. "Mum didn't mention anything about a meeting."

I pull him back into a hug, the scent of his shampoo easing my worries as we sit on the floor, tangled in each other.

"I'm sorry I disappeared," I whisper.

I feel him smile as he rests his cheek against the top of my head, "Nothing to be sorry about. It's not your fault you got dragged into another dull meeting."

I chuckle nervously, "Yes well... That's not the only place I went."

"What?" He questions. "Where else could you have gone?"

"I... I saw my mom." I say quietly.

"You saw your mother?" He shouts, lifting us up and staring down at me in confusion.

I nod my head, lifting my fingers so they dangle in front of his face. "My ring. She gave it to me before I left for Hogwarts and it turns out, she had one too. But she lost it."

He eyes my hand curiously as I reach down into my pocket, grabbing the other piece of jewelry.

"I found it in a case in Borgin and Burke's when I got out of the vanishing cabinet. Who knows how long it's been sitting there." I say showing him the rings.

He shakes his head, "I still don't understand. How did this ring lead you to your mom?"

"It's a portkey. She enchanted it to her safe house, just incase she ever needed to escape." I say, mildly impressed with my mothers ability to plan ahead.

"Wow... So where was she?" He asks.

I shake my head, "I don't know. I only got to see the inside, it felt damp and cold, like a basement or something."

He hugs me tighter, hearing my voice crack with fear.

"Maybe it's best I don't know exactly where she is... But she told me something about my fathers wand." I say, moving so I sit facing him.

He nods, reaching for my hands, still listening intently.

"Voldemort's after Grindelwald's wand because it was the most powerful in the world. If he can get his hands on it... It's total domination." I state matter of factly.

Draco shudders, "Not good..."

I laugh nervously, "Exactly. But in order for him to use the wand at it's full potential, he has to win it off its previous owner."

His eyes light up, "That's why he wants you! He thinks you can win it from your father!"

I shrug, "Not quite, you see my father doesn't have the wand anymore. Dumbledore does."

His mouth falls open, "Dumbledore has the most powerful wand in the world?"

I nod, "Crazy right? So I came up with a plan."

He chuckles anxiously, "Oh Merlin, should I be nervous?"

"Did the Dark Lord give you a certain way he wants you to kill Dumbledore?" I ask.

He scratches his head. "Not really, just kill him in the Astronomy tower."

"Alright, that could work." I absorb the information, melding it to my original plan.

"Everett," He says quietly. "Blaise wants to do it tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" My jaw drops.

He nods, "He says he wants to get it done sooner rather than later."

"Okay... Okay well I'll need to have a little conversation with Blaise." I state, my stomach turning at the thought.

"What are we going to do?" Draco questions nervously.

"I need you to listen carefully," I begin. "You won't have to kill Dumbledore, but you have to make sure you're the first person in that astronomy tower when the time comes. I'll talk to Blaise and work something out, but you'll need to be there alone with Dumbledore."

Draco nods.

"The minute you know it's just the two of you, I need you to disarm him. Don't kill him or stun him, simply disarm him."

"And what next?" He asks.

"That's all you need to do, and after that

the wand will belong to you."


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