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"I need to ask you something," Draco's thick accent says above me.

My heart beat races as I groan loudly, pretending to be bothered. No matter how intrigued I may be with him, he treats everyone as if they're beneath him and I respect myself enough to ignore his questions, even if I'm dying to know what they are.

I hear him sigh and shift his weight as the hardwood floor beneath his leather shoes squeaks.

I roll my eyes in fake annoyance, my armor cracking fat quicker than I would like. I greet him with an eye roll, "Alright. What's your question?"

His arms cross his chest angrily, "How did you start that fire the other night?" His voice is small but I can tell he is genuinely interested in what I'm going to answer. "I didn't see you use your wand."

"I don't know what your talking about," I say with a shrug, turning back to my work, trying to regain the upper hand.

He chuckles darkly, "Don't lie."

"I'm not lying," I retort as I spin to face him. "Now if you don't mind I'm a little busy-"

Draco exhales above me, his hand snaking around my back and grabbing my papers.

"What are you writing about?" He says tensely, his anger building up. His eyes scan my paper for anything that may answer his question but his brow furrows. "Notes? On charms?"

I laugh to myself as he rips feverishly through all of my notebooks, "I'm not sure what you were expecting..."

In his blind rage he rushes to the fireplace and dangles my assignments above the blaze, "Tell me now. Or I'll throw them in."

I stand to my feet with a huff, my hands landing on my hips. "Draco, you're acting like a 5 year old."

"I'll do it." He says shaking them, his fingers digging in and crinkling the edges.

"Stop!" I shout, stepping toward him. "You're wrinkling them!"

His gaze narrows, "Everett!"

Something in me is taken back when i here him yell my name.

I quickly squash it and fight back. "Why don't you just shoot some hex at me like the other night when you thought I was Harry! At least than I could recover and pass my tests."

"Tell me!" He cries, his tone of voice changing to desperate.

I stand in front of him, an attitude evident on my face. I open my mouth to explain but I quickly realize the power he's given me, I have something over him.

I have something Draco Malfoy wants, and he wants it so bad he's threatening to burn my school notes like we were children.

So I back off and throw my hands up in defeat, "Go ahead... throw them in."

His eye bore into mine as he waits to call my bluff but I don't falter. His fingers twitch and in slow motion I watch as he releases my papers, the weightless pages floating toward the flames.

Not removing my eyes from his, I scowl and let out a hard breath as the fire diminishes, my notes landing on untouched cuts of wood.

He lets out a gasp as he reaches down to inspect them, the perfect pieces of paper turning in his hands.

"You're such a liar!" Draco taunts, tossing them in my direction.

"Hey!" I shout, reaching out to retrieve them. To my surprise, my yelling manages to blow out all the lights in the common room leaving Draco and I in complete darkness.

"I knew you didn't a need a wand." Draco says, the annoyance thick in his voice. "How are you so good at this?"

I hear angry footsteps stomping above us, a door at the top of the girls stairs bursting open.

"The lights went out!" Pansy yells angrily

"Yeah, I can tell..." I shout back.

She sighs loudly, the door slamming as another set of footsteps come down from the boys side.

"Lumos," Blaise whispers, the tip of his wand glowing as he comes in the middle of Draco and I. "Weird huh? Something like this has never happened before."

"Yeah," Draco says awkwardly looking back and forth between Blaise and I. I watch the wheels turn in his mind as he debates saying something.

Luckily, he sighs and continues. "I'll go tell someone, I have to be going anyway."

He trudges over to the stone through way and slowly makes his way out, my eyes adjusting in time to see his blonde hair disappear.

"That was odd," Blaise says taking a seat on the couch. "What did he want."

"Nothing important. He just wanted to borrow my notes." I lie.


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