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"What the hell are you doing here?" I demand, stepping forward so he stands inches from me.

He laughs arrogantly, "I could ask you the same question."

"I-" I pause, unsure of what to say. "I'm staying with the Malfoy's over break."

"And Draco here must be mixing a little business with pleasure," He raises his brows, his gaze shifting behind me.

"Shove it, Blaise," Draco retorts. "I thought you and your parents couldn't make it, something about a trip to Greece?"

He shrugs smugly, "My mum got sick so we decided to stay, have Christmas at home this year like the rest of you peasants."

"Shame," Draco spits back.

Blaise smiles, "What's with the attitude? I thought you two would be happy to see me!"

I let out an aggravated sigh, "God Blaise, don't you have anything better to do?"

"I don't actually," He says, his arms crossing his chest smugly. "You know... I had a gut feeling you two would end up together. You're an uptight American bitch and Draco's always wanted what he can't have."

Draco pushes past me, the heat radiating off his skin as he shoves me behind him. His left hand reaches into his jacket pocket for his wand while his right holds tightly to my wrist.

"Draco," Lucius snaps, appearing out of nowhere as he grabs hold of Draco's upper arm. He pulls him back quickly, "Settle yourself please, no need to make a scene and ruin your Mother's party that she's worked so hard for."

Draco shakes out of his fathers grip, straightening out his suit as he takes a deep breath. He and Blaise stare angrily at each other as Lucius retreats back to his table.

The song changes to another slow Christmas oldie as I take Draco's hand, desperate to distract him. I tug him out to the dance floor, my arms wrapping around his neck as we begin to sway between the other couples.

His demeanor slowly mellows out as we rock back and forth, the song lulling him back to reality.

"I didn't know he'd be here, his family said they couldn't make it." He says, averting his eyes from mine.

I shrug, "We'd have to face again him at some point, I guess now is as good a time as any. We shouldn't let it dampen my 'coming out party.'"

"It's not just that," He says biting his lower lip. "I'm sorry for everything that's happened. I'm sorry I avoided you all first term, I'm sorry I was such an arse to you, I'm sorry I've dragged you into-"

I cut him off, "You really have to stop apologizing."

He lets out a laugh but it quickly fades, "I don't think I ever will..."

"Hey," I say, cupping his cheek and meeting his gaze. "I'm in this- We're in this, together."

The corners of his mouth turn up into a slight smile as he kisses me lightly, something I was quickly getting used too. We dance silently for a few more seconds before he takes in a breath, his mouth opening to speak but nothing coming out.

"Is everything alright?" I question.

His brow furrows, "Can I ask you something?"

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