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a/n: just a quick little blurb, this chapter and the coming chapters are probably going to be a little shorter! - a


The sun woke me up, my lashes fluttering open as I squint to get used to the light. I let out a small yawn, rubbing my eyes as I sense Draco stir next to me.

I roll under his arm that's draped lazily over my waist, inching my way closer to him until I'm lying my head on his shoulder. He lets in a deep breath, his fingers wrapping tightly around my arm.

"Good morning..." He says groggily. "I slept surprisingly well."

I chuckle, "I'm glad."

He kisses me on the forehead, his lips lingering for a moment as he continues to wake up. I quickly peak my head around to Pansy and Daphne's beds, the covers lying flat on the mattresses and their shoes and coats no where to be found.

I suddenly feel the urge to be as close to Draco as possible, my hand cupping his cheek and pulling his lips to mine. I can feel his smile in the kiss as his arms snake around me, before moving to my hair.

He chuckles, shoving me away lightly. "What was that for?"

I look into his grey eyes, "I just... I like you..."

He smiles, "I like you too, Everett."

Before I have time to respond, Pansy trudges back up the stairs, towel wrapped around her hair.

"Ugh," She pouts. "Could you two possibly take this elsewhere? I'm not in the mood for... Whatever this is today."

She motions to us lying on the bed as she plops down and begins sorting through her clothes.

Draco shifts awkwardly next to me, his throat clearing as he tries to subtly grab Pansys attention.

Eventually he coughs loud enough that her eyes dart over, a massive sigh escaping as she shakes her head. "Honest to Merlin Malfoy, if you're naked, I swear I'll-"

I giggle under my breath, shielding myself from her glare in my pillows, his cheeks turning bright red.

"No but-" He says shamefully.

She rolls her eyes before shutting them tightly, "I'm giving you 10 seconds. If you don't make it out in time, don't say I never warned you."


"1," She begins.

Draco stands up quickly, his back glowing through his shirt in the morning light as he bends down and slips off his pajama pants, changing to his slacks. He reaches for his sweater strewn across the chair and tosses it over his shoulders.


He gives me a quick kiss and jets off down the stairs, his warm and comforting scent leaving with him.

The room is silent for a moment, Pansy shuffling through her wardrobe and me curling back under the covers.

I'm about to fall back asleep when I hear a faint voice say, "Don't you have class today?"

I turn to my side, a sullen looking Daphne sitting on her bed and eyeing me curiously. Her coat and scarf are still on, a black beret perched neatly on her head.

I shrug, the idea of sitting through a lesson seeming so useless now.

"Look," Pansy buts in. "I know I'm not in the business of telling you what to do... But you should really go to class."

I stare her in complete shock, my mouth falling open slightly as she looks at me with concerned eyes.

"May I be honest with you about something?"

I nod, leaning up on my elbows so I can see them both fully. "Of course."

"I just-" She settles in a little more, her brow furrowing. "I'm worried about you."

I almost let out a laugh, but her tone of voice is so serious, so I look to Daphne. Her eyes stare almost angrily at the floor, clicking her heeled booties together.

"Look... I don't know anything about your relationship with Draco, nor do I care too." Pansy starts, Daphne sinking even more at her words.

"But I'm not an idiot, I can tell when someone's changing, and you've been different." She says matter of factly.

I shake my head, trying to trail her off. "I don't think I've been much different, I mean I just got back last night. I think I'm-"

"Please don't treat me like a child." She retorts, plopping onto her bed and changing into a sensible pair of Mary Janes. "I know what Draco is, I know what Blaise is, and I know what you are."

I swallow hard, Daphne does the same.

"I understand you're under a lot of pressure, but this is everyone's lives we're talking about. I'm not the biggest fan of Harry Potter and his friends but I certainly would never kill them."

For the first time, I feel connected to Pansy, her normal guard finally being lowered as she speaks to me like- like a friend.

"All this time I thought you hated me," I say, feeling incredibly stupid.

She takes in a deep breath, standing up and flattening our her skirt, "I have to get to class but... Despite appearances, I surprisingly don't hate you."

I let out a small laugh, "Thanks, I guess."

"I just don't want you ruining your whole life for a boy you've just met," She says with a shrug, a stinging tone to her voice.

She grabs her bag from her desk chair and starts for the door, her black bob flowing behind her.

"Pansy wait!" I shout as she stops and turns to me, her eyes expectant. "I think I'm in over my head..."

She wonders for a moment, "You know what my father always used to say? Whenever someone thinks they have the upper hand,

break it."


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