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My heart races a million miles a minute, my fingers lacing with Draco's as we walk down the hall toward the Room of Requirement.

We stand silently as the vines tangle up the once blank wall before us, the door forming slower than usual. I look around nervously, sure someone has followed us this time, but the corridor is silent.

We saunter inside casually, slamming the door behind us to ensure no one else can enter. My hands shake violently as Draco let's go of my grip and we weave through the familiar path to the back is hung cabinet, ripping the blanket off that we had concealed it with.

I stare at its ornate markings and carvings, feeling small next to its large frame, like prey coming face to face with it's predator. Before, it had never looked like anything except an old cabinet, but in the darkness of tonight, it was chilling.

A shiver runs down my spine as the weight of what was about to happen falls on my shoulders.

Tonight, it all started. Tonight, we flipped the script. Tonight, the Wizarding World changed forever.

And it all began with Draco and I.

Surprisingly, the school felt poised for an attack, the hallways eerily quiet and the students whispering to each other in whispered tones. Nothing and no one out of place, like everyone was busy preparing for what was to come.

Draco turns to me, his eyes wide and bright with terror.

"Are you ready?" He asks, his voice cracking slightly.

I don't respond, just nod.

He echoes my movement, reaching once more for my hand and pulling me beside him. He sucks in a deep breath and opens the door.

Before I can begin the enchantment, Draco shoves me harshly, my body slamming into the hard wood at the back of the vanishing cabinet.

He shuts the door quickly, my hand grasping at the knob, but he's locked me in. "Draco! Draco what are you doing? Let me out!"

"I'm sorry," He says, his voice thick with sorrow. "I can't have you here, not tonight."

My breathing picks up as I realize what he's doing, "Draco, let me out now!"

"Please Everett," He pleads. "Go somewhere safe, your Aunt's or somewhere in London."

"No! I'm not-" I begin to cry. "I'm not leaving you here alone!"

"I'm sorry," He whispers.

I kick as hard as I can, my body falling to the floor as I scratch at the wood, screaming at the top of my lungs.

I stand quickly and with everything I have in me, slam myself against the door.

To my surprise it cracks open and I come tumbling out, my feet scrambling as I leap to Draco, wrapping him in my arms.

"Why would you do that!?" I sob into his shoulder.

His body is rigid against my touch, his strong hands pulling me away.

I wipe the tears from eyes, a set of equally blue ones meeting my gaze. Lucius stands before me, his mouth snarled up in disgust, his sides flanked with Death Eaters.

Narcissa peaks through the crowd, "Everett, darling, is everything alright? Shouldn't you be assisting Draco?"

I was in Borgin and Burke's.


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