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I held tightly to Athena's hand as we aparated with a loud crack, our bodies twisting and contorting until our feet found solid ground. We stumbled for a second before chuckling and straightening ourselves out. I took in the familiar scent of my Aunt's apartment, my heart beat no longer racing as I realized I was safe again.

"Everett is that you dear?" A voice calls from down the hall.

I smile widely, my feet carrying me toward her before I can command them to. I turn the corner and find her hunched over the kitchen sink, her hand digging into the drain. She laughs as Athena joins behind me, "Sorry girls, it'll be just a moment... my ring slipped right off my finger and fell straight down the pipe!"

"Aunt Cynthia," I say pushing past her and sipping my wand from my boot. I swirl it above the opening and watch as jewelry floats up effortlessly. It falls into my palm with a plop as I smirk, displaying it between my aunt and I.

"How do I live without you," She says smiling widely as she slips the ring on and pulls me into a tight hug. "I've missed you Evie."

"I've missed you too," I answer, pulling back to face her and eyeing the ring. Her hand slides down my shoulder and intertwines with mine, our nearly identical pieces of jewelry next to one another. The gem is different but the shining silver band it sits in is exactly the same.

She retreats her hand when she notices me staring and shifts her gaze to the shy girl behind me, "And this must be your friend?"

I shake the thoughts from my head, "Auntie this is my best friend Athena, she's transferring as well."

Aunt Cynthia walks over to my the door frame and sticks out her hand, "I've heard a lot about you, Evie would send me letters telling me all about your adventures at Ilvermorny."

Athena chuckles nervously, "Hopefully you've only heard the good ones. She's told me a lot about you too, you used to go to Hogwarts right?"

"That's right! Seems like a lifetime ago..." She says with a chuckle, her eyes drifting behind us as they glaze over with memories.

"Everett says you work a muggle job now?" Athena asks kindly.

My aunt smiles, "Yes, I'm a therapist! I loved Hogwarts but once I left I realized magic wasn't really for me. I am a proud Gryffindor though! I'm hoping we'll be adding our little Evie to the mix soon!" Aunt Cynthia says wrapping me under her arm and rubbing my shoulder.

I swallow hard, the nerves setting in once again. "We'll see!"

"What made you so set on transferring this year? You girls only have two years left!" She asks, opening the fridge and reaching into the back.

I shrug absentmindedly, my palms beginning to sweat, "M.A.C.U.S.A is a mess these days, I'd much rather work for the ministry."

"And I've always heard great things about graduates from Hogwarts, when Ev told me she was leaving, I just had to go with her." Athena says with a smile.

She waves her hand, "Well whatever the reasons may be, you two will have an amazing time! My years at Hogwarts were some of the best."

"We can't wait!" I grimace, shimmying stupidly.

Without warning my eyes brim with tears, a strange feeling of nostalgia overcoming me. She must notice my sadness because she pulls me into her arms, "Don't be too upset dear!You're not as far away from home as you think, and from what your mother says, you're a wonderful young witch! Everyone will love you guys I promise."

"Thanks," I sniffle into her shoulder as she grabs Athena and drags her into the hug.

She pulls me back and cups my face in her cool palms, "And Hogwarts is the safest place there is. You'll be just fine."

Her voice has a knowing tone that puts me at ease, a familiar glint in her eyes I've only ever seen replicated by my mother.

"Thank you," I nod, my eyes searching hers for the answers I was silently asking for. After a few seconds I wipe away a fallen tear, composing myself and stepping back. "Athena and I should get going, we have a lot of shopping to do before we leave tomorrow."

That seems to please her as she rushes to her purse on the counter and rummages around until she emerges with her wallet. She looks in deeply before huffing, turning it upside down and shaking until galleons fall with a clink on the dining table.

"Take this and make sure you stop to eat, I'm not quite sure what we'll be having for dinner tonight so have a big lunch..." She counts the money in her hands as she imagines how much we'll need. "You girls have your school list right? Make sure to buy all your books and be careful, I don't poke my head around there very much anymore but I've heard whispers."

"Whispers?" Athena says with a crooked smile.

Auntie shrugs, "Just that things around here have been tense..."

"With Harry Potter and Volde-?" Athena begins to ask. I punch her in the gut as she doubles over with a chuckle. She eyes me angrily, "What?"

I shake my head at her, "Don't say his name stupid!"

"She's right," Aunt Cynthia chimes in. "Like I said... I don't know much about the magical world but saying that name around here, especially in Diagon Alley, is a great way to make enemies."

"We'll be fine." I say trying to move on from the topic. "We'll keep to ourselves while we're out."

She smiles, "Just keep your wits about you and call me if you need anything, I love you girls."

"Love you too," I shout as Athena and I close the door and make our way onto the busy London street.


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