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The ride back to school was quiet, my head pressed to the window, the snowy mountains blurring together as I struggle to keep myself awake. The bumpy rails rock me side to side, lulling me to sleep as Draco huffs next to me.

I close my eyes, annoyance taking over as I shift slightly to cross my legs. I tug on the collar of my jacket, cocooning myself in the warmth as he sighs louder this time, his heavy shoe brushing across my calf.

"Are you still mad at me?" I ask, my lids still shut.

I don't have to see him to know he's rolling his eyes, "What you did was incredibly stupid-"

"But it worked," I interrupt with a chuckle.

"Do you think this is a laughing matter Everett?" He questions in a whisper. I don't answer, the sleep almost taking me over until he shouts again. "Everett, listen to me."

I open my eyes, his face more worried than angry, his lips turned in a frown. I sigh silently, sitting up and grabbing his ice cold hands across the small table that divides us. "I'm sorry Draco, but what did you expect me to do? Sit back and watch you deteriorate because of what Voldemort's making you do?"

"Lower your voice," He scolds, leaning forward.

I squeeze his hands reassuringly, "He trusts me."

"He doesn't trust you as far as he could throw you." He shakes his head, his gaze returning to the snowy countryside while he crosses his arms across his chest.

"Excuse me?" I say, my mouth falling open in disbelief.

"You heard me," He shrugs nonchalantly. "He's going to use you, just like he uses everyone else."

I shake my head, "I have something he wants, we made a deal. I have power over him that no one-"

"You don't really believe that, do you?" He asks.

"I do actually," I lean back in my seat, suddenly feeling very small. "You know how much Grindelwald means to him."

"He doesn't want your father Everett, your father means absolutely nothing to him. Grindelwald is just a means to an end. What he really wants is your fathers wand and he'll do anything to get it!" Draco shouts in a whisper at me, his eyes filled with rage. "And once he does, he'll forget all about any 'deals' you might have made."

"My fathers wand?" I ask.

"And did you even think about how Blaise would react? How do you think he'll treat us when we get back to into that school? He was already an arshole to us and we've never done anything to him, besides maybe cost him a quidditch match or two. And now you've risked everyone's life by trying to save mine."

He continues to rant as I stare dumbfounded.

"Merlin, how were you even sorted into Slytherin, that was such a Gryffindor move! Why would you even think to do that, because if you haven't realized yet, I'm not worth it. I'm disposable to everyone: to Hogwarts, to Voldemort, even to my own family!" He recoils suddenly as he realizes how loud he's talking.

"Draco," I say concerned, leaning forward to grab his hands once more.

He refuses my gesture, tucking his arms under the table. "You shouldn't have done that Everett... Let's just leave it at that..."

"I'm not going to sit here and argue with you about your worth. I did what I had to do, and in the end, everything worked out like I had planned." I sigh.

He rolls his eyes, "And what exactly is your master plan, or is that something else you'll fill me in on later?"

"Will you please calm down, we're on the train." I state, looking around to make sure no one is listening in.

He groans, "Were you just never going to tell me that murdered a man in my homes office?"

"Stop!" I shout, angrily. "I had to do that to survive. If you would shut your mouth for 5 seconds, I might actually be able to tell you what I had in mind."

He rolls his eyes but leans back and gestures for me to continue.

"Before I knew what they were, I knew you were a Death Eater. Everyone has their eyes on you, watching your every move, the Dark Lord would be stupid to have you-" I stop myself, some first years catching my eye as they giggle and return to the card game in front of them.

I lower my tone and move closer to him, "He would be stupid to have you do what he's making you do. I just needed to redirect his attention, make him see that there are better options for this task."

"But what happens after it's done?" He asks, his grey eyes meeting mine.

I shrug, "I'm not sure, but I know once we find my mom, she'll know what to do."

"And do you have any idea where she might be?" He questions, his voice seeming to calm down.

"No..." I say shaking my head, lowering my gaze in embarrassment. "But wherever she is, I know she can help."

He closes his eyes, taking in a deep breath and holding it a few seconds, his chest high and filled with oxygen. He lets it out slowly as his focus wander back to the window, Hogwarts looming solemnly in the distance.

In such a light whisper, I'm not even sure I heard it, he says, "You better hope this works, or he'll have both our heads."

"Just trust me. Everything will be fine," I say with a nod, but as I turn to the darkening sky, I can't help but wonder if I've made a life threatening mistake.


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