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I sit on the bay window in my room, my chin resting on my knees as I tuck them closer to my chest. I take in a deep breath as the snow falls peacefully outside, the moonlight washing over the grounds of the Malfoy Manor.

Christmas Eve was today but if Narcissa hadn't reminded me at dinner earlier I wouldn't have remembered.

She informed me that Draco and I would be attending a holiday party with the rest of the Death Eaters. She described it as my 'coming out' party, a chance to meet everyone and get introduced to my new way of life.

The last time I felt this restless was the night after my mother made her confession about my father. My world crumbling around me as my mind wandered over the past summer and the days that followed.

After a vigorous concealment charm, we left our house and moved into a small apartment. We left almost everything behind, most of clothes still hanging in my old closet and the dirty dishes still rotting in the sink.

Somehow she managed to convince Athena's parents that the opportunities after completing Hogwarts were far greater than that at Ilvermorny. A day later, she was gone and I was packing what little I had left to travel across the pond.

I brush away a few fallen tears, sniffling quietly as I rest my head on my knee caps. I spent the last few weeks of August researching my father; What he was like, what he did, where he was.

I found every little detail I could until the well ran dry and there was nothing else to learn. I found peace in the fact that we were nothing alike, that other than his gifts, his influence was untraceable in me.

But sitting here, I felt eerily close to him.

The flurries laid over the front grass of the Manor like a blanket, the trees and bushes all covered in the white powder. It looked so different from the first dreary day I spent here yesterday, all the lifeless foliage blowing in the wind.

It had been a few days since my meeting with the Death Eaters, Lucius's last words still present in my mind. He knew I had a secret and although he didn't know what it was, he was weary of me.

I'm going to have to confess sooner or later but hopefully, I can buy myself a little more time.

I sigh deeply and look around the room, the grey walls almost black in the nighttime. I stand up quietly, the wood floor creaking under my feet as I walk to the bed and huddle under the covers. I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep but I figured I should at least try.

I roll onto my side and close my eyes, my breathing steadying as I focus all my attention on resting. I finally start feeling a little tired when I hear a small knock on the door. I sit up in bed and pause, unsure if I've actually heard it.

I wait a few moments before there's another light rap. I get up and slowly crack open the wooden frame, Draco's sleepy blue eyes meeting mine.

He runs a shaky hand through his messy blonde hair as he steps forward, "I didn't know if you'd be awake, I tried to knock quietly. Did I wake you?"

"No... I couldn't sleep," I say with a shrug, walking to the bed and sitting on the edge. "Too nervous about the party I guess."

Draco perches next to me, a yawn escaping from his lips. "Don't be worried about tomorrow, you've already impressed most of the Death Eaters."

"Except your father," I retort, leaning back and plopping on the sheets.

He chuckles lightly, "He's not important. He likes to think he is but trust me, you've already gained the trust of the ones that matter."

I sigh, staring at the ceiling, too afraid to say what I'm thinking. "Will I... Will I have to meet him soon?"

Draco doesn't say thing but I feel his body tense next to mine. I sit up on my elbows and meet his sunken gaze, my lower lip caught between my bottom teeth.

He furrows his brow as he leans down beside me, "The short answer is yes, but he won't be at this Christmas party if that's what your worrying about."

I muster up a small smile, "I guess that makes me feel a little better..."

He stands, his bleached hair falling into his eyes as he pushes it out of the way. I turn my head to him as he lowers his gaze, his leg shaking as a nervous tick. "You should get some sleep."

I let out a chuckle, "I doubt I'll be able to."

"Do you need anything?" He says with concern. "I could call Weezy to get you some tea or something, maybe a glass of water."

I nod, "Sure. I would love some tea."

He goes to yell for the house elf but I stop him.

"Hey, maybe we could just go downstairs and get it ourselves?"

He nods and reaches his hand out, his fingers intertwining with mine as I grip his warm palm. He lifts me off the bed and we walk toward the door, the handle turning as he peaks into the empty hallway.

We make our way down the stairs and into the kitchen silently, Draco filling the kettle with water as I sit in one of the high top chairs. I rest my head in my hand, my eyes drooping with weariness.

"Don't tell me now you're tired," Draco says grabbing two mugs from the cabinet.

I shrug, "I'm sorry, it's catching up to me now."

He chuckles as the kettle heats up, pouring the water and handing me my cup, turning to the cabinet behind him and grabbing a chamomile and lavender tea bag.

"This will help you sleep, it's what my Mother always gives me." He says, pouring himself a cup.

I smile and hop off the chair, taking a sip of the piping hot tea, the calming scent making me even more tired. Draco heads to the stairs and I follow closely behind as we round the corner.

He stops in front of my door, opening it carefully as I slip inside. I turn back to him, a smile forming on my lips as he leans on the frame.

"Goodnight Everett."

"Goodnight Draco."

With that, he closes the door with a click, the darkness taking over as I set the tea on the bedside table and curl into the covers.


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