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The common room is quiet, a few students studying or wrapped up in card games but other than that, virtually empty.

Blaise sits a few feet away at table, his hand scribbling furiously onto a piece of paper. I suck in a breath as I begin toward him.

He doesn't look up as I loom above him, his mind preoccupied with the parchment.

"What do you want, Grindelwald?" He asks devilishly.

I roll my eyes, "I would appreciate it if everyone stopped calling me that..."

He huffs, "Good luck."

I sit across from him, clasping my hands together unthreateningly. "How have you been?"

Finally, he meets my eyes. "How have I been? You ignore me for weeks, besides when you decide to humiliate me in the Great Hall, and your first question is, 'How have I been?'"

I swallow, "I'm sorry Blaise. I really am sorry."

"No you're not," He shakes his head with a chuckle. "You couldn't care less about me."

"That's not true," I say, my hand almost reaching out to grab his. "You know, I really did like you..."

He laughs again, his deep set brown eyes staring into mine. "Sure you did."

I smile, "Oh come one, when I was watching you play quidditch, I started planning the wedding!"

We chuckle together before a silence falls over the two of us, a stark reminder of reality.

"It's crazy how much has changed, huh?" I state, unsure of how to proceed.

"Why did you do it?" He asks, his voice lower and thick with fear. "Why did you make me take over the task?"

I lower my gaze to my hands, picking nervously at my nails. "You saw what it was doing to Draco, I think he would've killed himself before he... You know."

Blaise nods, the pen in his hand making doodles. "Now I get it..."

"That's actually what I came here to talk about... I want to help you." I say. Against my better judgment, I lift my hand on top of his, squeezing it reassuringly.

To my surprise he doesn't pull away, "I appreciate that but I think it's too late, I'm getting it done tomorrow."

"I heard..." I answer, to no one in particular.

"Everett?" He begins. "I'm sorry too. I should have never been so rude to you and Draco. I think a part of me was just... Jealous. I still really- Well I still really liked you."

My heart flutters, his gaze so sincere it almost makes me jump across the table and hug him.

"That night at the Christmas party, I was mad and... If it was me, I would've told you about the tasks right away." He shrugs, embarrassed.

I nod, "I know you would've."

"I just think... I think you don't deserve everything that's happening to you." He finishes.

I smile genuinely, my fingers intertwining with his. "You're a great guy Blaise. But whether it was you or Draco, I was bound to become a Death Eater one way or another."

He sniffles lightly.

"But now I'm going to do everything I can to help make this all right. From now on,

I kill Dumbledore."


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