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I wake up to my dog licking my face for the millionth time and I know its time for him to go out. Every morning at exactly seven on the dot, he wakes me up to take him out. It's almost like he could actually tell time.

"Ugh, really spike? it's seven in the morning." I groan, rubbing my eyes. Regardless of the inconvenient time he decides to wake me up every morning, I absolutely love my dog, he's the best thing in my life. I got him when I was sixteen as a valentines gift from my uncle. He was the runt of the litter but that didn't matter, he was the best thing that ever happened to me. Spike was a pitbull, and despite the nasty things some people accuse their breed to be, he was the sweetest pup to ever exist.

He jumps off of the bed, picking up my Nike slide and putting it in front of me as a sign he needed to go out.

'Why is he inside in the first place?' You might ask. The answer to your question is that I can't sleep without him. My life isn't exactly the best, it never really was. My father is very abusive with my mother. According to her, he became this way after she got pregnant with me but she loved him too much to leave but now is too scared to. They usually argue at least twice a day before he goes off to get drunk with his friends. In my opinion, I think the drugs and alcohol abuse fucked him up so bad that he stayed stuck in his teenage rebellion phase.

I always step in before it gets out of hand though. Im not afraid of him like I used to be and therefore, as long as I can help it, he won't lay a hand on my mother around me.

I get up and slide on my shoes to take spike out, slipping on a grey cardigan over the black tank top I had on since I was too lazy to change. As I step out I see that Remington-my best friend of 4 years- is outside doing god knows what.

I turn back around to call spike only to see that Blue, my neighbor's dog, was out and they were about to start fighting. He was also a pitbull but he was very aggressive, he would always get into our yard and try to attack spike when he was a pup until he finally decided he's had enough of it and started to fight back. It's not his fault though, if you've met Rick, you'd understand why Blue is the way he is.

My heart began to beat faster and I was growing anxious by the second "Rem!" I yell as soon as I saw that Blue took the first bite.

I run towards the fighting animals only to find Remington running towards me and grabbing blue by his tail and skin on his neck. Behind him, Emerson came and grabbed my dog as well. Doing the first thing that comes to mind, I grab our hose and start to spray it up Blues nose as a way to make him let go as he couldn't breathe with the water.

I tell spike to release and he does. After a minute or two blue finally starts to realize he isn't getting any oxygen and let's go of my dog only to have me grab him by the skins of his neck and snatch him out of Remington's grasp dragging him to his damn owner. Much to the dogs dismay, I drag him up the lawn and proceeded to bang on the door as hard as I could.

"Aislin calm down it's okay" I hear Rem approach behind me, and felt a hand on my waist "Remington please let me go or I'm going to hurt you too" I grit as tears roll down my face.

Rick opens the door, and as pissed as he is, I'm raging. "What the fuck do you want Aislin?" he grunts, not noticing the bloody animal in my hands and my soaking shirt "Your fucking dog just attacked mine and if you don't take him right now I'm going to put him down" I fume.

"Oh my fucking god, not again! Are you fucking kidding me? He didn't cost me two grand only to have your dog fuck him up."

"Whatever" I scoff "say good bye to your fucking dog" He tries to shove me but my fist ends up in his face, probably breaking his nose in the process as I then proceed to take his dog to my house while Emerson is taking mine to his.

"Ace, babe think about what you're doing."

"I have Rem, but I can't do this anymore. I'm taking this damn dog to the clinic. Every one knows I love animals and it hurts to do this but it has to be done this is the third time this month that I have to stitch up my dog and I don't have the money to pay his vet bills even with the employee discounts. I can't be taking sutures or any other supplies from the clinic anymore either, this happens too way to often. He's a danger not only to the other dogs on the block but to people too, how many times has he tried to bite you?" I cry.

"Alright just breath and calm down let's go change you, you're full of blood" he sighs.

I look down only to find out that he's right, my legs were drenched with blood. As I observe my self I realize it's not the dogs blood, and that I must of gotten bit in the process of pulling them apart. My thigh was slashed open and I started to feel dizzy.
"Rem catch me" is all I remember saying before it all went black.

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now