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"Remington Leith! Get me down from here right now you fucking liar!" I shout.
I was on top of the tree in the back yard because Remington said that there was a baby kitten stuck up here and me being the animal lover I am went to check it out.

I grabbed the ladder and climbed up the tree only to find out that it was not a baby kitten, rather, a grown male cat that tried to attack me for trying to help it before jumping down on its own. I had kicked the ladder down in the process of defending my self against the crazy animal.

"But you look so funny up there. I need pictures." He laughed taking his phone out.

"No shit Remington of course I'm scared I hate heights you asshole." I looked down and I became dizzy I was pretty high so I looked back up. I felt my eyes beginning to water. If I fell from here I would definitely break something.

"Remi please I'm scared just get me down" I say my voice wavering.

He looked up from his phone and stopped laughing. "Oh shit, no no no don't cry I'm sorry" he stammered gettin the ladder and putting it back up. I immediately climbed down and ran past him inside. How dare he leave me up here for so long.

"Princess what's wrong" I ran into Emerson and hugged him tightly "Remington" is all I say.

"Ace babe I'm sorry come here." He says trying to pull me away from Emerson.
"Don't touch me Remington" I say, tears still falling from my eyes.

"What the hell did you do" Emerson asked hugging me to his chest while rubbing my back.

"There was a cat stuck in the tree so I told her and then she got stuck trying to get it down" he said "yeah and then you laughed at me and wouldn't stand the ladder back up, instead you were taking pictures and videos you asshole" I say finally looking up at him.

"I'm sorry it was funny" he said putting his hands up "that does sound funny" Emerson added.
I looked at him and pushed him away "I hate you two".

I went upstairs and laid on Remington's king size bed face down with my hands at my sides I was no longer crying, rather asking myself why I cried In the first place.

I felt someone lay flat on top of me.
"I'm sorry princess " Rem said in a baby voice. "It's okay i shouldn't have been so dramatic" I mumble "get off of me"I squirm my body making him fall.

"What's today's plan?"he asks "I don't know just relax I guess. I don't feel like getting dressed." I reply.

"Do you not work today" he asked "no I called in sick earlier because I was feeling lazy. I'm thinking of quitting" I say.

"Why you love it there"he questioned sitting up and setting me on his lap so he could hold me like a baby. Which I didn't mind, It was quite comfortable actually, plus he smelled good. "Because I'm always gone and I get off of work late which means less time with you guys plus Sebastian works all day and I never get to see my drinking buddy then Emerson is just gone all the time enjoying fucking nature, like shit,i want to do that." I rant tracing his Harry Potter tattoo. I never really liked those movies, don't get me wrong there great I just wasn't as big of a fan as Remington.

" Thats true you do get off late. Wait how are you going to make money?" I look up at him and smile. "I can work at a salon, I mean I know how to cut and dye hair it's not rocket science" I say.

"You got this all planned out huh" he chuckled. "Yup"I say popping the P.
I was silent for a moment thinking of where Remington made his money.

"You never told me how you get so much money Remington so what's your secret? Are you a prostitute?" I joke.

"You really wanna know" He raises and eyebrow. I nod sitting up straight up in his lap looking at him "I work at the tattoo shop down the street because their piercer quit I only have to go in a couple times a week and I get paid really well" he says laying back pulling me down with him. I was now laying flat on my back next to him.

I remembered that today was April 28 on a Saturday "There's only a week before you're birthday" I say changing the subject. " I know I'm gonna be old" he groans "Rem your turning 23 you're not old" I laugh "What do you want for your birthday?" I ask snuggling closer to him.

"I already have what I want" he tells me "and what is that" I say "You"he responds kissing my head.

"I'm serious Rem" I groan smacking his chest lightly. "Me too" he chuckles "be my girlfriend" he states. I get up and look at him raising an eyebrow "why?" I ask.

"I mean we're already basically together and I haven't been with anyone besides you since I moved here let's just make it official" he says sitting up, and pulling me over his lap so that I'm straddling him, he holds me in place by my thighs looking up at me.

"Okay sure" I say leaning my forehead against his "really?" He asks squeezing my thighs "Yes really" I reply quickly pecking his lips and then all over his face.

"I love you" he tells me laying back down so I was laying on top of him. "I love you too" I tell him "but I only got three hours of sleep and I'm tired" I yawn laying me head down on his chest. "Do you want me to leave you so you can sleep?"he asked quietly "no I want my boyfriend cuddle with me" I giggle holding him so he doesn't leave.

"Okay let me put something comfortable on real quick" I roll off of him and he goes to put some sweats on I pulled my pants off so that I was just wearing Remington's nirvana muscle tee that I stoled from him last night and my black underwear climbing under the covers I saw that he was changing his shirt "no keep your shirt off, i like when you're shirtless because you're warm" I say quickly.

He raises a brow at me and drops the shirt on the floor and walking over to me "eww you little nasty" he jokes climbing under the covers and tangling his feet with mine "I like to see your tattoos too" I whisper nuzzling my head in the crook of his neck "you should get one they don't hurt" he suggests.

"What would I get" I say "you could get my name" he jokes "totally and I'll put it above my heart and everything" I say playing along with him.

"Yea or you could even get the word Masochist because that's what you are babe and thats one of the things I love about you" he says squeezing my sides I started to squirm because it tickled.

"You're so stupid" I laugh smacking him gently. "No but really what should I get?"I ask again "how about the words 'die for something beautiful' In honor of your dog who did indeed die for something beautiful and someone very beautiful as well" he states.

"That's actually a really nice idea babe thanks" I smile I mentally decided I would do it and it would be on my collarbone along with the word Masochist on my right hip where only me and Remington could see it. Of coarse he wouldn't know until his birthday.
We ended up falling asleep after talking for awhile.

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now