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Remington took me back to work but seeing as the boys needed the car we took his motorcycle.

We arrived in less than five minutes because like I said previously I work about a block away from the house. Katie was also just arriving and she saw me get to the clinic with rem "Hi" she called out and waved at me "Hey Katie where'd you go today"I asked as I got off the bike first so Rem could get off as well. "Oh! I went to my moms house she made Tamales,she actually told me to bring you some as a thank you for the other day!"she said bringing me a plate of tamales.

I actually went over to her moms house the other day to dye her hair as she had white hairs that she didn't like so I fixed it for her.

"Awe thank you" I squealed hugging her. I absolutely loved tamales.
"Yeah no problem, I'll meet you inside though I have to clock in" she replied smiling "ok cool"

I felt Rem grab my arm and he turned me around quickly pulling me to him,holding me there by my waist and I laughed as he touched one of the many places I was ticklish. "Stop Remi that tickles"I giggle squirming "staaayyy" he whines putting his face in my neck just resting it there for a while. I put my hand in his air running my fingers through it "I have to go Rem or I'll get fired and I'll be broke and then who's gonna feed me" I laugh quietly as he squeezed my sides and mumbled "I will because I love you and you're my favorite out of every one at home"

"Okay well who's going to buy laundry detergent and wash all your clothes then hmm?"I question "Seb can buy that shit and you can still wash our clothes" he mumbled again except this time he started swaying us side to side.

I felt him kiss my neck and his hands go under my scrub shirt and stay right above my waist line tracing imaginary circles on my skin and I let out a satisfied quiet moan. "And we can continue this all day"he whispered kissing right under my ear. "Oh my. Rem stop please because now i want more and i have three hours of work left"I mumble not wanting him to stop, but putting one of my hands in his chest anyways and taking other one out of his hair.

"Well then my job here is done I'll be at home" he chuckled smirking at me "You asshole" I groan "now I'm sexually frustrated and ugghh!" I give him the plate of tamales and pull him down to my height by his neck and pecked his lips "I hate you" I say. "You love me stop lying. But seriously I'll see you later I have to make sure those assholes actually brought groceries and not some stupid shit again like last time" he laughed "Alright see you later I'll call you when I'm out or at least one of you guys."I say heading towards the door to the clinic.

"You bitch you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend"Katie squealed throwing a pen at me. "Ow you ass! that's because I don't" I Yelp that's the thing with Katie, we may not be close but she's the only other person beside the boys who gave me a chance. We weren't exactly friends but we were getting there.

"It looks like it to me. First he buys you food with that other guy which is kind of cute by the way. Then he brings you back to work on a motorcycle and he seems so lovey dovey with you, I saw you kiss him you cannot deny that." She rants "Katie thats Remington,my best friend" I told her. "And that other guy was his brother Emerson" "That's Remington?" She asked genuinely looking shocked.

"That cannot be the Remington you talk about all the time best friends aren't supposed to look like that. You're lying I know you're lying he's you're boyfriend right you're just fucking with me?" She's definitely in shock "Katie thats Remington believe me, our kind of relationship is just...what's the word I'm looking for" I pause to think " it's just very fucking complicated" I finish.

"That's crazy you seem so like, shy and quiet, and he looks the total opposite like he's straight forward I guess I don't know"she replies "we're just misunderstood Katie, I get that a lot but yea I am shy and quiet but only because I have really bad social anxiety and I've struggled with depression since I was like ten. Then Remington moved across the street from me when I was fifteen which means he was like eighteen Emerson was 16 and Sebastian was 20. I was closer to Remington the most for something reason and he always knew how to calm me down when I was having and anxiety attack or when he knew I was on the verge of passing out I grew up in a bad home so I never saw a therapist or anything the closest I had was the boys but Remington somehow knew me better I guess" I explained.
It was finally time for me to go home. I clocked out and called Rem.
"What's up" he answered
"I'm off of work already can You pick me up" I ask
"Sure thing let me put on my shoes" he replies.

"Aislin!" I hear an angry voice behind me so I turn around the phone still pressed to my ear and I see Rick. I start to panic and search for my keys to the clinic walking backwards. "I told you this wasn't over you little bitch. You thought it was funny to punch me in the face and kill my dog right?" He chuckled darkly.
"Rem hurry please" I say
"What's wrong? Ace babe what's up" I hear his engine roar through the phone and I say "Ricks here and I don't know what to do" I tell him.
"What's wrong Aislin? Don't have your little boyfriend to back you up this Time?" Rick taunts getting closer.

"Princess stay calm I'm almost there"I hear rem say before I drop my phone and keys. My anxiety was rising and I was getting mad at myself for being scared. That wasn't a good combination. "Fuck you Rick"I spit "you think you're tough about to hit a girl right?" I say I was getting angry. When I get anxious I get frustrated and my hormones go on over drive and I get angry very quickly. Angry enough to do something stupid because that's just me and I can't control it I either cry or become violent.

"Oh look at that you do have balls with out that punk" he smirked getting closer. "Touch me rick I dare you" I say waking up to him so that we were chest to chest only I'm shorter than him as I'm only around 5'2 and he was as maybe 5'10 he was shorter than rem but taller than me.

I was breathing heavy and that wasn't good it meant I was in the verge of having an anxiety attack, like I said before having anxiety while being pissed the fuck off was never good for me. "Look at you, so mad and it's kind of hot" he mocked.
That was it that caused me to snap I stepped back a bit and tried punch him in the throat but he caught my fist and spun me around kind of like how a police officer would do to someone getting arrested. But it didn't last long as I heard the familiar sound of Rems bike. I saw him pull up and basically jumped off the bike storming toward Rick and I instantly felt relief as he let go of my arm.

I rubbed my wrist as I watched Rem beat the shit out of him but intervened quickly before he killed him or something.
"Rem that's enough I want to go home and shower please" I say quietly placing my hand over his and easing it out of a fist.

He stood up breathing heavy while Rick laid on the ground in pain. I cupped Remington's face with my hands and made him face me "look babe I'm fine see no cuts no bruises"I reassure him and he hugs me tightly "oh thank god" he says his breathing slowing down as well as mine. "Let's go home I smell like animals" I chuckle. He pecked my lips and we left.

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now