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"What. The. Actual. Fuck!" I squeal tackling her to the couch. I was smiling and real genuine happy smile, I haven't seen her since Christmas.

"What are you doing here?!" I ask laying flat on top of her still. "I wanted to surprise you, your mum told me you were staying with the boys now" she explains rolling me off of her.

She was like my twin, except she had an Australian accent like her father, and brown eyes like my aunt Jessie and my mom, she was also eighteen, making her one year younger than me.

She even had long brown hair like I did seeing as my moms side of the family had some strong ass genes.

We were basically sisters. "Wait who let you in?" I ask. "I did!"Seb shouts from across the house. "Where are you!" I shout back. "Kitchen! Katie's on her way here already" he replies.

"Where Can I put my suitcase?" She asked. I pointed towards my room "in my room right there" "Cool, I'm gonna go say hi to Emerson and Remington" she replies.

I nod my head "There upstairs I think" walking to the kitchen with Seb who was sitting on one of our many bar stools. He was drinking orange juice and eating a banana. Weird.

"Have you talked to Rem" he asks me chewing his banana. "Yea I told him we're done, and that's final I'm moving into the guest bedroom, that was the only thing We agreed on" I said leaving out events that happened in the kitchen a few hours ago.

"I love him Sebastian, I really do,but I can't be with him if he's going to act like that, do you wanna know what he told me?" I tell him, chuckling "he said he only wanted to make me jealous, as if I don't already compare my self to all the other girls that hit on him when we're out" I shook my head in disapproval.

"I'm not a competitive person, if I can't make him happy I'm not going to force him to be with me just so I can be".

"I'm sorry darlin, you'll get through this" he says "it's fine I'm good now"I reply. "I'm gonna help Maddie get settled in my room and see how long she was visiting for" I tell him.

"She's staying with us for a while, your mom texted me not to tell you because Maddie wanted to surprise you, she wanted to move out here to take photography classes. So I told your mom and aunt Jessie that she could stay with us until she found a place or finished school or something you know" he explained.

"No way! Seb that's awesome I love you so much" I squealed. I thought I was going to have to fake being okay, to fake my happiness, but knowing that my cousin who was basically my fucking twin was staying with us, and moving out here made it real. I was really going to be okay, I didn't need Remington to make me happy if I had the other two and my cousin here to help me.

"No problem babe, now we'll have two Aislins running around" he jokes.

There was a knock on the door. "That must be Katie I'll get it" i say running to the door. "Hey, how you feeling" she asks hugging me, careful not to drop the pizza she had brought. "I'm good now that my sister is here" I smile. "You never told me you had a sister where is she I wanna see her" she asks me setting the pizza in the kitchen counter.

"Hello Sebastian" she greets
"Morning m'lady" they were definitely going to become best friends for sure.

"Aislin who's knocking on the door" I hear Maddie shout running down the stairs, slipping on the last step causing her to roll on the floor and hold her knee in pain making me laugh. "What's up with you guys, are all the females in your family clumsy" Seb says making Katie laugh.

"Katie this is Maddie my sister, Well cousin, but she's basically my sister" I say. Maddie gets up and dusts herself off. "Hi I'm Maddie" she says, her accent thick.

"Oh my god your accent!" Katie says, her jaw dropping "it's Australian I'm fucking living for it, I'm Katie by the way" she smiles extending her arm out.

"You guys look like twins" she adds looking at both of us "crazy right?" I hear from the stairs. I turn and see Remington, I immediately look away, "Well Im gonna go to my room and get your stuff settled in" i tell Maddie. "You don't want to eat?" Katie asks "nah, I'm not hungry right now I just ate before I took a shower" I lie.

"Okay well we'll be in the kitchen if you need anything, I'm stealing her away so I can get to know her too" she replies. I just nodded my head and walked past Remington without a word taking my jacket off on the way since I had started feeling hot. Leaving me in my tank top and jeans.

Walking into my new room, I close the door and began organizing Maddie's clothes into the drawers. It took me about 30 minutes but I finally finished and decided on going to get my clothes from upstairs.

It took me walking up and down the stairs three times to get everything that belonged to me. Once I grabbed it all I began putting it away in my closet and dresser.

I was looking for my dogs ashes when I remembered I had Remington put it in our closet on the very top so I wouldn't lose them. I walked up stairs thankfully not running into anyone, and walked into Remington's closet.

Finally I found them and began to reach but I was too short. I started jumping but it was no use. Giving up I sat against the wall gripping my hair in frustration. " mother fucker" I groan. I got up to try one more time only to feel someone's hands on my waist to pull me aside, making me jump in fear.

"I saw you struggling for the past like three minutes, You're so short" it was Remington. He reached up and grabbed the box for me. I grabbed it and stepped back. "Thanks" I mumble ready to walk out, only he stopped me again.

"Can I ask you something?" He says making me look at him. His voice sounded hurt. "What" i reply, having no choice but to look at him as he held my face in his hands with a firm but gentle grip.

"Do you still want me?" Of course i wanted him and I know I was definitely over reacting about this whole situation but that's just me. I have trust issues. I've been hurt physically and emotionally my entire life could you blame me?

"Rem I-I" i didn't know what to say. I was mad at him but i wasn't. My emotions were everywhere no matter how hard I tried to block them out no matter how much I wanted to block them out.

" let me rephrase that, do you still love me?" He asks. " of course i do, it's only been one fucking day, and even if it had passed a year or three and you were happily married with someone else I would still love you" I say quietly.

"Then why are you being So cold to me?" He asks leaning his forehead on mine. Causing me to try to look away. " because I'm scared of getting to attached again" I reply.

I'm so bipolar, I was mad not even an hour ago with him ready to leave and forget about him and now I just want to be here with him, in his arms, while he sings me to sleep, but how could I knowing that he knew I slept with his brother because I was hurt?

" I promise to god I won't hurt you again please baby" he pleads making me want to cry.

"I just need a little time, just so I can clear my head and think straight." I say. " how do I know that you'll come back to me, that Emerson won't steal you?" He asks.

I knew I was going to end up back with him at some point but just not right now. So Instead of being a bitch i should at least be civil with him right?

"You don't" I reply. " but until then here's this" I say, cupping his face and giving him a short kiss on the lips then walking back down stairs with my dog's ashes leaving him there without another word.

Please don't make me regret that Remington

A/N: I don't know how to write crap like this, I'm pretty sure this chapter sucked balls so hopefully the next one is better

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now