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"Happy birthday Seabass!" I shout through the phone, "it's eight in the morning why are you yelling?" He groans.

"It's your birthday, I wanted to be the first to tell you" I laugh, I was currently in my new apartment laying in bed, I had purposely set an alarm just to wake up Sebastian.

Yes, I finally got my own apartment, it's close to Calum and the guys house. As a matter of fact they're the ones that helped me find it, I obviously had to buy a new bed and dresser but that was fine.

I still had to buy a new couch and table but at least I had food in my fridge and a tv in my room. I went and collected the rest of my things at the boys place such as the rest of my clothing that didn't fit in my suitcase along with my car, I was going to take the bunnies but Maddie grew attached to them and I didn't want to take them from her.

Today was my Second week here and I loved it, I chose a small two bedroom apartment because Katie's lease was up and she was also looking for an apartment. She moves in tomorrow.

All she had to bring was her bed and dresser as well since she didn't have much at her place and she was leaving her couch behind because according to her it was old and uncomfortable plus it had a wine stain on it that she hid by flipping the cushion over.

"Thanks darlin" he yawns "can I go back to sleep now?"

"Yes, I hope you have a great day Seb, tell Emerson I said hi and that I miss him" I chuckle.

"What do I tell Remington? He's been bugging me for the past two days to see if you got you're phone fixed so he could call you and say and I quote 'that he is in fact over you and you're free to do what and who you please' which is complete bullshit because he's been a moody little bitch after he saw you at the store" he laughs

I sigh, "tell him my phone is still getting fixed and that I borrowed Calum's phone to call you, also tell him to suck it and I'm having a fantastic time with Luke" I've been trying to avoid him since I saw him at the grocery store three days ago, we exchanged some not so nice words when he saw that Luke was helping me shop because Katie bailed on me last minute to hang out with Sebastian, I may or may not have told him that Luke was in fact better in bed than he was out of anger after he accused me of sleeping with him for revenge which is not true. As a matter of fact nothing has happened between us other than cuddling, though I do admit we've become a lot closer.

"Okay, well we love you, will I see you at the gig tomorrow night?" "Of course you will...and Seb," I say "yea?" "Thanks for forgiving your brother, I don't want you guys to hate him for what he did, he doesn't deserve to be hated by you guys you're his family and tell Maddie I said thanks for talking to him again too" I tell him.

"You're welcome, we couldn't hate his ass even if we tried" he chuckles "Alright I'll see you tomorrow" I smile even though he can't see it.

"Alright bye love you" "love you" we hang up and i set my new phone down beside me.

I hear a knock on the door and groan, maybe if I ignore it they'll go away.

I hear it again and get up, slipping on a pair of shorts from my floor I walk out of my room and to the front door.

I peek through the little hole and see that it's Michael.

I open the door and let him in "what's up Mikey" I yawn still tired "the guys are being annoying and acting like this is the time to blast music through the house so I came here" he says taking his shoes off.

He was wearing some black basketball shorts and a black tee shirt to match.

"Well you can stay if you want, I was gonna crash again" I chuckle "were you awake too?" He asks "yea I called Sebastian to tell him happy birthday, I literally just got off the phone with him when you knocked on the door" I say.

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