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"Eight fucking times!" Katie whisper shouts looking over the couch to make sure Luke can't hear us from the kitchen "mhm, and that was only the second night we were there too" I whisper explaining my week away "I've never came so fast Katie" I lean into the couch and look over to see Luke putting the mayonnaise away, he was making us all sandwiches.

We only got back a few hours ago and Katie was still awake, now we're going on three in the morning since we decided to drink some wine that she saved for when I got back. I haven't talked to her since we left, with her being busy working and me and Luke going out almost everyday that we were gone it was kind of hard to.

She starts to laugh as she drinks her wine "bitch" she set the glass down "you're kidding right?" Her eyebrows raise and I shake my head "eight times in a row, the only other time I let go that quick was when I lost my virginity and now that i think about it I lasted a lot longer then too" I sip my own whine and jump when I see Luke smirking as he leans against the entrance of the kitchen with a plate in his hand.

"We got a noise complaint, and I broke the headboard" he pushed himself off the wall and sat behind me, handing us each our own sandwich, Katie thanks him "you're welcome" he nods as he wraps an arm around my waist, the other lifting his own food up to his mouth.

"I actually bought you something" I gasp as I remember that I bought us matching Alcatraz hoodies, she yawns and closes her eyes for a long second before blinking a few times "fuck, I'm falling asleep" she laughs "give it to me in the morning"

"That's what she said" Luke whispers in my ear causing me to choke on my food, literally. Katie starts laughing at me and slips off the couch landing on her butt, I pat my chest as I struggle to breathe both from laughing and choking on the bread of my sandwich.

Luke sets his food down and pats my back "baby don't choke on me" he says sounding he genuinely worried, however me and Katie both find it funny as she screams out in laughter, tears sliding down her cheeks as she can't breathe while my own tears were of mixed emotions. Fear of dying from choking on a sandwich and from just laughing while I choked.

Luke continues to pat my back not finding the situation funny at all as I I cough my lungs out "stop laughing for fuck sake" he growls in frustration "baby get up" he stands me up with him and I actually stop laughing as I seriously feel scared for my life now, Katie is calming down and looking panicked as well but is still laughing nonetheless.

I cough but nothing happens "fuck" Luke curses "I'm sorry love this going to hurt" with one hand he grips my waist from behind to hold me still and the other comes flying at my chest hard. I cough as his hand comes in contact with me and I'm suddenly able to take a big breath of air.

The pain in my chest is horrible but I ignore it as I catch my breath.

"Why the fuck did you hit me so hard" I wheeze out "because you were choking for fuck sake" he spins me around and wraps his arms around me, one hand tangling in my hair and pushing my face into his chest while the other is around my waist "holy fuck" Katie says still calming down from her laugh attack "he's husband material" she stands up "I was actually scared" Luke says into my hair ignoring her, I wrap my arms around him.

"You're the one who made her choke in the first place" she points out "you are" I let go of him and pull back slightly so I can face him, his nose was just the slightest bit pink and his eyes were watery and I knew he was being serious.

"Alright good night, I need to go sleep. I actually have to work to get my money" she excuses her self and I watch as Luke lets a tear slide down his cheek "I really was scared love" he whispers.

I reached my left hand up and gently wipe his tear, feeling him lean into my touch "I know" I nod "and I'm sorry" he lifts me up effortlessly and I wrap my legs around his waist "it's not your fault, it's nobody's fault" I cup his face and smile reassuringly "it was just a joke gone slightly wrong that's all, I'm okay" I kiss his cheek as another tear rolls down his face "why are you crying?" I wipe that one away too "babe I'm fine"

"I don't want to loose you" He whispers "sometimes I worry that I won't get to wake up to see your face and it terrifies me" I furrow my eyebrows at this "why do you think that? You know I'm not going anywhere" he buries his face in my neck and I feel his tears wet my skin, I immediately wrap my arms around his shoulders and kiss the top of his head "Hey...Babe, what's wrong" I carefully unwrap my legs from his waist but keep my grip on him so that he doesn't feel as if I'm leaving.

I hear him sniffle and I scratch his head lightly "Luke talk to me" I whisper to him as I lead us to the couch, he lets me.

Once we're sat down I hold him again, this time he's sat in between my legs with his back to me and his head on my chest. Our roles reversed for once and I don't mind it, i don't think that seeing him this way makes him less of a man, it makes him human and I'm happy that he trusts me enough to let his true emotions show.

I run my hands through his hair "Luke what's wrong? You know I'm not going anywhere" I whisper to him "it's not that doll" there's a hint of sadness to his voice "It's just that I worry about you're health, I know that you faint sometimes and that you stress and you don't like to tell anyone if you're sad or not, you don't tell us until it gets too much. This last time that you ended up in the hospital really hit me, I thought I was going to loose you and it terrified me, I couldn't sleep and knowing that he stayed with you hurt me" he says quietly, and that's when I know what he's hinting at.

He's not worried that I'll leave him, he's worried that I'll leave everybody. I sit up straighter and wrap my arms around him tightly as my own tears threaten to spill "you don't need to worry bub" I kiss his cheek for a long moment and I snake one of my hands up to brush his hair away from his forehead "if something were really that wrong with my health the doctors would have told us" I reassure him, my cheeks were now wet with my own tears as I felt him grip my forearms "I'm not going anywhere, not for a long long time okay? I'm here, I'm yours and you don't need to worry about me leaving you" I carefully readjust myself so that I'm in front of him now.

Both us with teary eyes and stained cheeks, I wipe his face and kiss his lips "promise me you won't stress about this" I say softly "promise me you won't loose sleep over this again, I'll sleep with you everynight if I have to just so you can get some rest but just promise me you won't worry about me like this again" his hands rest on my waist as his blue eyes stare into my grey ones, bloodshot and darker than normal yet he still looks good and as beautiful as ever "I promise love" he nods, "now will you please stop crying because if you don't then I wont be able to stop crying either" I laugh softly.

He cracks a smile and wraps his arms around me tight "I love you...so much doll" he whispers "I know, and I love you just as much if not more" I nod, "do you know what i love the most about you though" I say quietly.

"What is it?" He mumbles into my shoulder "I love your smile and the way you scrunch your nose because it makes my day, just being with you and seeing you happy makes me happy and that's all I need from you. I don't need you to buy me fancy things or take me to the mall for new clothes or anything like that at all, the only thing I want is to know that you're happy and to see you smile" I whisper to him.

He flips us over so that we're laying down. The only light on in the apartment being the kitchen light, leaving the room dim.

I feel him hold me tighter than usual and he lets out a shaky breath, "go to sleep" I whisper interlocking our fingers "I'll still be here in the morning, it is my apartment after all" I joke "shut up" he lets out and amused huff of air.

I smile to myself as I hear his soft snores a few minutes later, finally able to fall asleep myself.


I feel like this is one of my badly written chapters but it's basically just like a filler kind of chapter so hopefully you enjoy

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now