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It'd been two weeks and I guess you could say that me and Remington were friends again, and honestly it's so hard not to go back to him, he's been so sweet.Him and Emerson are good too, they act like it didn't even happen, I'm just glad I didn't ruin their relationship as brothers. Last but not least Seb broke up with his girlfriend three days ago and has been drinking away his sorrows.

He's been a little shit for the past three days but I don't blame him, it sucks to be single.

Me and Maddie were currently on the couch watching The lion king in our pajamas, which consisted of hoodies we stole from Remington earlier and huge sweats. We looked like hobos with our huge clothing and messy buns.

Rem and Sebastian were up in there rooms and Emerson was laying on the floor scrolling through Twitter.
It was 2:00 in the afternoon, it was hot as balls outside but our house was freezing, not to mention I had to go to work at the salon later I work from 3:00-5:00 today.

"Oh my god I absolutely love this part!" Maddie cries.
"It's the saddest part , what the hell is wrong with you!" I shout at her with wide eyes throwing a small couch pillow at her head. It was the part where scar killed mufasa.

"Ow, no need to get physical" she whines. I get up and walk towards the kitchen so I could start making them food.

"I need to start cooking before I leave, for work" I state.

"Are you making food?" I hear behind me, turning around, I find that it was only Remington.

"Yea I'm making steamed vegetables with mashed potatoes and baked salmon" I say continuing with my task.

I put the potatoes to boil real quick and moved on to making the salmon.

"No stop those are Henry's friends" he says, it was too late though, I already put them in.

He grabbed my hands and pulled me away from the stove and the fish. "You murderer!" He shouts jokingly. Henry was his potato friend. He was in the fridge 'keeping cool' right now even though our house was cold as fuck.

"Rem stop, I'm trying to cook" I laugh "no you're killing Henry's friends!" he shouts picking me up and running over to the couch.
"Emerson help Rem is trying to kill me for making potatoes!" I yell "I got you princess " he replies running to the kitchen "wait I'm ove..." I'm cut off by hearing Emerson yell "hey Remington guess who I have!"

"You wouldn't dare" "try me bitch" Rem picks me up back over his shoulder and walks to Emerson "on three we trade" he negotiates "I'm not an object, put me down so I can finish cooking and go to work"

Remington puts me back down but before I can leave back towards the kitchen he pulls me so my back is against his chest whispering "you're no fun" and I feel pain in my left shoulder. "Why'd you bite me you fucking vampire!"I gasp "Em give me that damn potato" I demand, but before I take it he says " let me do the honors I've been trying to grab it all week" so I let him.

"No you bastard!" Remington shouts, ready to murder someone for his potato. I hold him back as we watch Emerson violently stab the potato making Remington gasp and pretend to faint. I caught his dead weight. "It's okay, he's in a better place now" I joke trying not to laugh.

"What's going on?" Maddie asks walking in to the kitchen.

"I just witnessed a murder" rem said very quietly. "Henry's dead" he adds wiping a fake tear. I was leaning on the wall for support as I held his heavy body. "Remington can you move now you're getting heavy" I laugh.

"Call me when the food is done, I'll be watching tv" Emerson says casually walking out of the kitchen, "me too, you guys are fucking weird" Maddie adds.

"I shouldn't even let you use my sweater, after what you did" Remington says looking at me from head to toe, "Well you shouldn't have bit me, now let me finish cooking so I can get dressed and go to work" I smile walking passed him, only for him to follow me to my cooking station. "How do you do this anyways" he asks standing next to me looking at what I was doing.

I showed him how to make the vegetables since it was the easiest task and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be able to burn it so easily if he left it unattended.

I heard my phone go off so I ran to the couch. "Hello" i answer walking out to the back yard sitting on one of the chairs. "Hey Aislin, it's Ronnie" my coworker says, she was 27 years old and a single mom to two kids, Alex who was 6, and Avery who was 3, they were inseparable, our boss always let them come to work with her and turned on the tv for them in the back room, I always found them cute, especially Alex, he's so protective of his little sister.

They're father passed away last year, he was hit by a drunk driver on his way home from work.

"Oh hey Ron, what's up" I ask "I was just calling to tell you that you don't have to come in today, Reina had a family emergency and canceled all of the rest of our appointments for today last minute, everyone who had an appointment is coming in tomorrow instead for free, but we're still getting paid for it" Reina was our boss.

"Okay Cool, sounds good, it's actually perfect I'm still making lunch for everyone" I laugh "I'm feeding four, plus myself which is five people in total so that's actually really good timing I'll see you tomorrow" we say our good byes and hang up.

"Who was that" Maddie asks scaring me. "my coworker Ronnie she was just saying not to go in today we have the rest of the day off last minute" I reply.

"Does that mean we can finish our lazy day?" She asks smiling.

"It does, as soon as I'm done making our food" I reply.

"Good because I haven't eaten since last night, we've literally been on the couch all day just watching movies in Remington's clothes, which are really comfy by the way" she says as we walk back into the kitchen where Remington was still standing in the spot I left him, which was by the stove watching over the veggies.

"You know you have to stir them a bit right?" Maddie asks moving him aside so she could stir the vegetables.

"Oh, you didn't tell me that Aislin" he says glaring at me in a joking manner. "Well I though you knew" I say putting my hands up in defense.

"Who was on the phone anyways?" he asks. "Just my coworker Ronnie, she said not to go in today because our boss canceled all appointments last minute due to a family emergency" I explain to him what Ronnie told me.

"Why can't you guys continue working though?" He asks with a confused face. "She doesn't trust anyone else to watch over the salon" I reply hopping on top of the counter with a big bowl thing and putting the potatoes in it along with the other ingredients needed to make the smashed potatoes while waiting for the salmon to be ready.

It didn't take me long to cook since I was so used to making them food all the time.

"The veggies are done Lin," Maddie informs me while checking inside the oven "the fish looks like it's almost done too" she adds hopping next to me.
Maddie was the only person who called me Lin. It was habit since she couldn't pronounce Aislin when we were younger so we resorted to Maddie and Lin.

I set the bowl aside and clap my hands together "Alright then, the mashed potatoes and veggies are done, now we wait for the fish".

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now