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My heart just about stopped when the timer went off and it read positive.

To say I over reacted was an understatement. I locked myself in the bathroom, and Luke sat outside of it the entire two hours that I cried to myself in there. I wasn't mad that I was pregnant I was scared and filled with mixed emotions but overall I was mostly scared. I wasn't supposed to have kids at nineteen.

Well twenty, my birthday was in a few months. January 27th to be specific.

Not only had I cried for two hours straight, but I sent Luke home after I got out. He understood that I needed sometime to let it sink in and we both agreed to make a doctors appointment for next week to be completely sure that the tests were correct. I told him we could meet up later on today once I was calmed down and he was okay with that. He left after making sure I was okay and kissing me goodbye.

This all happened around four hours ago, and now at 9pm, I sat with my best friend in the parking lot of target because Luke asked if he could go out to the bar with the guys to calm his nerves and because I'm not a controlling bitch, I let him, knowing I could trust him not to do anything stupid.

I was actually relieved that he wanted to go out because at least now I knew that I wasn't the only one stressing about the situation we were in and that way he could just forget about all of his problems for a while and have fun.

"Em I'm scared" I say quietly "he says he won't leave and I know he won't but I don't want to ruin his life. He's twenty one, he's just starting his career and he shouldn't have the responsibility of taking care of a baby" I run a hand through my hair and Emerson sighs.

"Honestly I think you guys are going to be fine, you're going back to work at the vet clinic right?"


"See you'll be fine, you have your job and your apartment already, you're a great vet and you have all of us plus the other guys to support you, Luke has his job and his house and he obviously loves you and wants to stay to raise this kid so just relax bud, you're going to be okay, we're all going to be here to help. My niece or nephew is going to have the best life so don't worry about that"

I smile "you know I love you right?" I laugh softly "you're the greatest person I know" we both lean over and hug each other "I know, I'm fabulous" he says putting a hand under his chin after he lets go of me and giving me a silly toothy grin "now lets go buy some shit, I didn't come with you to target just to sit in the parking lot" I laugh again but get out of the car anyways.

"No!" I gasp "Emerson slow down!" I grip the sides of the cart as he runs down the aisle with me in it "I'm not going to drop you, shut up" he laughs, "you dick, I'm going to have a heart attack" I hold my chest, as he slows down anyway "you're no fun get out" he rolls his eyes playfully and he gets in instead "lets go find some clothes to cut up" he points forward and I start to push him.

"You're heavy" I groan "that's mean you ass" he flips me off "Hey, did you know that avocados are toxic to dogs?" He asks randomly "Maddie almost beat my ass for trying to give Loki a piece of an avocado"

"Yes, I was a vet tech stupid. I know these things" I make my way into the clothing aisle and people stare at us funny but I ignore them as my phone buzzes.

It was a Snapchat notification from Calum. I stop pushing the cart and Emerson gets out "I'm going to check out those shirts over there" he says as I unlock my phone "I'll meet you in a second" I wave him off.

A smile appears on my face as I watch a video of Luke jumping up and down screaming "I'm having a baby!" and some people in the back cheering him on, he's absolutely shit faced.

Another video pops up and it's Calum this time "we're having a baby!!!" He shouts with a big grin on his face while Mikey and Ash dance behind him shouting the same thing, I lower my volume and the smile on my face grows.

Maybe it won't be so bad.

Yet another video pops up and it's of Luke again "Wait no, I'm not the mom" Luke says confused "guys wait! I'm not the mom! My baby is the mom! Wait fuck, no my girlfriend is the mom and I'm the dad" I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see that it's Emerson "what did I tell you, you're going to be fine" he smiles.

"He's so stupid sometimes" I giggle "well stupid is your type, just look at my brother" he jokes, however my mind heads back to a time when me and Remington had a talk about how many kids we were going to have and my smile fades.

I knew that when he found out it would crush him and tears pooled in my eyes as I thought of that memory, we were so happy and I wondered how the hell we fell off and ended up like this. I didn't regret being with Luke, but it did make me feel a bit guilty knowing that what were once mine and Rems plans, were now going to be mine and Luke's.

"Fuck did I say something wrong" Emerson sighs "no" I rush out "no it's not you, it's just that um...me and Rem talked about having kids one day and now look at us" I give him a sad laugh "we don't even talk as much anymore since we broke up, sometimes I wonder how we fell off when we're so happy and in love with each other and I know this is going to crush him when he finds out"

"So then don't tell him anything yet, wait until your ready. I'll be there when you do and it'll be okay, he has to understand that you're not his anymore and if he wanted this with you then he shouldn't have fucked up, especially after you took him back the first time" I nod and take a deep breath, fighting back the tears and forcing them to go away.

"Let's shop" I smile "before they close"

With that I force myself to suck it up and begin to look at things to distract myself.

If he wanted this then he shouldn't have fucked up.

I repeat Emerson's words in my mind and find that if I said it enough times that it actually sounded believable and it made it easier to calm myself down.

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now