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We just got home from the hospital. I was laying on the couch waiting for Remington to bring me my pain killers that they gave me to take when I got home, I had left them in the car. It turns out I did break my wrist and I hand to get my knuckles stitched up. They had to pop my pinky finger knuckle back in place. I didn't even know it hand popped out though, that's the first time i punched something the wrong way.

All in all I'll have a cast for about four months or more if it doesn't heal quickly, though I do heal fast so maybe I'll get it off earlier.

"Okay, I'm back" Remington says plopping down next to where my head was on the couch causing pain to shoot through my hand since I had it rested next to the pillow I was laying on top of.

"Oww!"I wince, Remington stood up "oh my god I'm sorry, what did I do, did I sit on your hand, fuck" he rambles frantically. "No no, your ok, it's just that you moved the pillow and it hit my wrist" I wince sitting up right. "Hand me the pills please" I say "hold on let me grab a water" he says running to the kitchen.

He comes back and grabs my pill bottle reading the side "it says to take two, and also" he pauses squinting his eyes a bit "that it's gonna make you a little sleepy so take two now and then starting tomorrow only one in the day and one in the night" he says taking out two of my pills. "Man that means I cant work, fuck" I groan, tugging my hair with my left hand.

"Don't stress about it, I'm sure they'll be okay with out you" he says sitting down next to me gently this time. I take the pills and water from him and swallow them down. I lean back into the couch only for Remington to pull me into his side.

I tensed up a bit "Remington I dont th-" "shh, just relax, let me hold you please, I miss this" he says running a hand through my hair making me loosen up and give into him. I make my self comfortable and pull the blanket we leave on the couch over me.

"I miss laying like this with you" I admit resting my broken hand on his his chest. "Me too" he says kissing the top of my head. I started feeling drowsy. "Wow that kicked in fast, my hand doesn't hurt that much anymore but I feel dizzy" I look up at him. "I don't think it's supposed to work that quick" he says looking me in the eyes.

It started to feel like I was drunk and My throat felt tight. I started to panic, taking heavy breaths, I put my hand over my throat it was getting harder to breathe and I was itching all over my body. "Remington I can't breathe" I panic, my vision started to blur slightly.

"Fuck, Aislin stay awake" I could barely hear him, tears started streaming down my face. I felt my self being carried and put into the car. I could see Remington's lips moving as he grabbed my face but I couldn't hear him "I can't hear you" is all I remember saying before it went black.

Remington's POV

Fucking hell she was having and allergic reaction. I got up quickly "Fuck, Aislin stay awake" I say loudly, grabbing the keys off of the little coffee table we had in the living room. I picked her up and ran out putting her in the car and climbing into the drivers seat.

I grabbed her face, "Were going to the hospital okay, stay awake" she was sweating and her face was turning red. "I can't hear you" she cried. Her eyes rolled back and she passed out. "Ace!Babe! Get up" I shake her violently. Her eyes opened a bit but then closed again. "Fuck!" I shout speeding away from the house toward the hospital.

I shake her again and she opened her eyes for a minute before closing them again, her face was red and she was sweating like crazy, "Baby you need to stay awake" I say shaking her for like the fourth time.

I made it to the front of the hospital in record time, not bothering to park anywhere or turn off the car I race out of my seat and take Aislin out running inside.

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now