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We were close to where our spot on the beach was when I heard someone call my name. I turned around with my fruit cup and saw Calum with the other guys behind him. We were sat pretty close to the parking lot so I could see Rem and Seb from where I was stranding.
"Who's that guy" Emerson asked, his arm still around my shoulder like earlier.
"That's my friend Calum" I smile looking at up at my tall friend "he used to live next door to my aunt Jessie" I explain.

" hi Calum" I wave as they walked towards us. "Oh my god is that you Aislin?" I heard Michael say "yes it is Clifford how are you guys" I laugh as they all start running to hug me. "We're fucking awesome and it looks like you are too. You definitely grew into your curves" Luke says eying me up and down making me roll my eyes and Emerson gently pull me my my waist over to him.

"Um excuse you but she has a boyfriend" He tells Luke while taking of his t shirt and pulling over my head. I put my arms through and tied it at the bottom so it wouldn't be so long on me. "Oh I'm sorry mate I didn't know" Luke apologized. Emerson rolled his eyes at him and held me in a protective manner.

"Anyways Em these guys are Calum, Michael, Ashton, and that's Luke" I say pointing to each one.

"I'm Emerson and you are lucky I'm not my brother, he would've beat your ass for even looking at her the way you did" Em says eyeing Luke.
I turn to Michael who nudged me.

"What has my little emo been up to? Has you're hair lost its virginity to hair dye yet?" He grins grabbing a strand of my almost dry hair while Emerson and the others make small talk. "No, my hair doesn't go near crazy chemicals like that" I say "why" he asked chuckling "because im scared of it frying off or something" I state taking my hair back from him.

I felt arms hug me from behind and I jumped only to find that is was a shirtless Rem. "Hi baby" I smile, Tilting my head backward to meet his eyes. " Who's that?" He whispers in my ear. "This is Calum, Michael,Luke, and Ashton" I say pointing to them again. "You must be Remington"Luke said.

"I am why" he asked "I just wanted to apologize for disrespecting Aislin" Luke said truthfully. That's one thing I admired about him is that he couldn't lie for shit.

"What do you mean disrespecting Aislin. What did you do?" Rem said and I could feel him tense up. "Just a comment, your brother stopped me before I said anything else, I didn't know she was taken, though I'm not surprised, she is a beauty and always was, I was just too late and didn't have the balls to ask her out sooner, congrats man" Luke explained.

"Thanks for apologizing, you're lucky it was only my brother that she was with, and yes she's fucking gorgeous" Rem says.
"And Calum I heard what you did at the store the other day thanks man, you should feel lucky, she told me good things about you" Rem said nodding his head at Calum.
"Yea no problem mate, I would've done it for anyone one though, I honestly didn't even know it was her till after" Calum smiles.

"Nice tats, I'm really digging the Harry Potter tattoo" Michael says "yea pretty cool mate" Ashton agrees. "Thanks you too bro" Rem replies, hugging me closer to him. "Well Ace, It was nice catching up with you and meeting these guys but we better be going before it gets late. Call us though and maybe we can all hang out." Calum says, rem let's me go so I could hug them good bye and Him and Em say there goodbyes as well.

"I don't like that Luke guy" Remington tells me wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me again as we walk back to where Seb was drinking a beer at "Yea me neither,that was rude to say" Emerson agrees.
"You'll get used to him he's a bit of a dumbass at Times" I say. "Do you want a beer" Rem asks me in my ear "no im good baby thanks" I reply "Yea she was having an anxiety attack earlier I don't think the beer will help" Emerson tells him. "Why didn't you call me" Rem says sitting us both down with me on his lap while he opens a beer for him and plays with my hair. "I didn't even think about it honestly, Emerson handled it good though it didn't last long" I say leaning my head back onto his chest. I check the time and it was barely 8:45 "wow we took long" I chuckle "tell me about it" Rems says.

"Seb you've barely talked this entire time,why"I ask "I'm just thinking you know,about what you said yesterday" he replies.

"What did you say" Rem asked me "nothing bad just that I was thinking that maybe you guys should start putting yourselves out there you know with your music, I know if people start hearing you they'll want to hear more" I explain.

"What do you guys think" Seb asks. "I mean we could give it a shot I guess" Emerson says reaching for another beer.

"What did that guy say anyways" Rem asks resting his chin on my shoulder. "He was like 'you definitely grew into your curves' the stupid prick" Emerson says imitating an Australian accent, making me laugh.

"Damn he was really lucky i wasn't there" Remington whispers "what are you guys talking about?"Seb asks "nothing just some of Aislins old friends, except this blonde dude Luke needs to watch his mouth he was lucky Rem wasn't there when he said what he did" Emerson explains to his older brother.

"I didn't know little Ace had other friends" Seb says intrigued with the fact I have more friends. "Well I needed some when I was at my aunt Jessie's for the summer and well they seemed pretty cool" I chuckle "it's good that you have more friends bud, it could help with your anxiety and everything, I'm glad that you met them just don't let them disrespect you" Seb tells me.

"I know Seb I'm not that dumb" I say eating a piece of watermelon from my fruit cup. "Do want any babe?" I ask facing Remington. "No thanks I'm good" he replies.

"Can I ask you a serious question?"I ask Turing my entire body around so I was facing him. "It depends on what it is" "why does Santa have such a big sack?" I ask innocently. He laughs "i don't know babe he has a lot of toys I guess" he replies not getting the joke "no stupid, it's because he only cums once a year" I laugh and so do Em and Seb.

"You're such a child, I swear"Emerson says "yea how the fuck did you just think of that right now" Seb chuckles "I don't know I just remembered it, Katie told me it at work a couple weeks ago" I answer.

"Well at least I'm not Santa I couldn't handle the stress of only cumming one time a year. It's already hard enough for me to wait during your time of the month." Rem says in my ear so only I could hear him. "Ew nasty, I didn't need to know that" I laugh "know what?"Em and Seb say in unison.

"Nothing, your brother is just a nasty little shit" I reply.

"Do you guys ever wonder who the first people who decided to have sex were and what the fuck they were thinking? like were they just like hey let me stick my thing inside you and see what happens. And then when they did they were just like holy fuck yes that's fucking everything" I ask randomly.

That caused all three of them to spit out there beer and look at me "yo what fuck goes on inside you're head!" Emerson says laughing.

"Everything" I answer smiling. "God I fucking love you" Remington says pulling me over to him and kissing my forehead. I turned back around and laid my back against his chest.
"Seb can you toss me a dr. pepper please" I ask setting my down the plastic cup that once held fruit in it.

"You don't want a beer or anything?" He asks "I'm 19 I cant drink in public stupid " I tell him "oh yea I forgot, sucks for you" he laughs tossing me my soda.

"Thanks seabass" I say chuckling at the new nick name I just came up with "yup" he replies.

"Hey Guys its getting late should we head back and continue this at home?" Rem asks checking his phone. I grab mine and check the time, it read 9:50.
"Yea let's pack up I'll text Danny and to come over and bring some of the guys" Seb says getting up from his spot.
"I'll drive since you guys have been drinking" I say getting up so I could help clean up.

We took about five minutes getting everything settled in the car and left.

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now