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(If you guys ever wonder where I got her name, I got it from my favorite book The Fallen Star by Jessica Sorensen, I just thought it was such a unique name and I liked it. It's my absolute favorite book ever, and if you haven't heard of it or read it I suggest that you do I honestly believe you'll love it. There are four books in the series, and on a scale of 1-10 I'd rate it a solid 10)

I groaned as I felt the sunlight shine in my face. I rolled over and my hand hit an empty spot on the bed, the side Remington was sleeping in last night. I peek my eyes open and I hear some groan on the floor. "Rem is that you?" I ask, closing my eyes once again because it felt too early to be awake. "Yea, I fell off the bed a while ago and was too lazy to get up" he mumbles.

I sit up straight on the bed and rub my eyes before opening them, there was no use in going back to sleep now, the sun was too bright and the curtains in this room weren't dark enough to keep it out. I realized I was only wearing my underwear and Remington's tee shirt, the clean one not the sweaty one.

I pulled the blankets off the bed with me when I got up then grabbed one of the pillows and flopped down next to Remington who was leaning against the bed on the floor. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled the blanket over the both of us. Well I guess I didn't need the pillow. I tossed it aside.

My head was killing me and I had a little bit of pain in between my legs. "I'm sore" I groan leaning my head in his shoulder, he laughed "You're sore? Check my back I think I bled, I think you even scratched and at my arms a little bit." I smack his arm "shut up, you're the one that wanted it" I say.

I heard someone scream and my head perked up "did you hear that too?" Rem asks, I nod my head "I think it's coming from outside" we both get up and walk towards the window.

I see Nova drinking what looked like a canned soda while spraying some girl who was running away half naked "go home!" She was laughing, still spraying the poor girl with water until she was completely off the grass.

"Damn she's evil" Remington says hugging me from behind. I lean against him. "You're warm" I whisper "I know, I'm always warm" he hugs me tighter and kisses my cheek.

"Come on let's gets dressed I have to buy you that breakfast I promised" he says letting me go much to my displeasure.

I look for my clothes on the floor, I find Rems pants and toss them to him, picking up my clothes afterwards.

Once we were done and dressed in our own clothes we made the bed and changed the dirty sheets with some clean ones that were left outside the room door, they had a note on the top that said 'Katie warned me that you two were horn dogs so I brought some clean sheets just Incase' -Nova.

I laughed at the note and showed Remington, he laughed as well "looks like Katie knows us pretty well" he jokes.

We walk out of he room and run into Maddie and Emerson on the way "did she leave you guys sheets too?" Emerson asks "Yea what did your note say?" Remington asks as we walk down the stairs "it's said 'katie told me you guys probably wouldn't do anything but just to bring these up Incase you did, Remington and Asilin definitely needed them I heard them when i walked by last night to make sure my room was locked' she signed her name and everything" Emerson laughs. We make it down stairs and walk to the kitchen where Seb and Katie were drinking coffee, you could smell it once you walked in.

"You guys can leave, we'll call an Uber" Katie says drinking her coffee "you sure?" I ask "yea we're gonna help Nova clean, there's not much left she woke up before all of us and started cleaning, I figured We'd help her out a bit once we finish our coffee" she replies. "Yea I figured I drank her alcohol might as well help her clean up too" Seb says.

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now