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Luke's POV

I felt movement on the bed and woke up. I rubbed my eyes and turned on the bedside lamp. We got to the hotel yesterday after a couple hours of driving from the little hotel we stopped at and stayed in all day to rest. I looked over at Aislin and saw her tossing around and tears running down her cheeks I was about to reach for her when all of a sudden she shot up with a loud scream.

"Hey little one you're okay I'm here" I pulled her into my body and held her tight as she panted. Finally her breathing was normal again and she looked up at me with scared eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows "what's wrong love?" I ask "just a nightmare" she waves me off but I knew it bothered her "about?" I pushed "my dad, the day he was arrested" she takes a deep breath and leans her forehead on my chest.

I was about ask if she needed to talk about it but she beat me to it "I don't want to talk about it right now okay?" She says softly, her hand laying flat on my chest as she turns to look up at me "it's not that I don't want to tell you because trust me I do but I just can't right now" she explains "I just want to enjoy this time away from everyone and just forget for a little while okay?"

"Of course love" I kiss the top of her head and we stay awake for a bit.

"I love you" she whispers "I really do and that scared me" I heard her voice waver "why does it scare you, you know Im not gonna hurt you princess" I reply "I know but I'm scared that I might hurt you. We both know we jumped into this relationship pretty fast and we both know that the feelings I have for Remington aren't gone completely and that it's going time for them to fade if they even do fade. I'm scared that I might do something stupid and you'll end up hating me for it and I'll lose you and it's the worst feeling because I know I fuck up a lot and one day sorry won't make it better and losing you both as friend and a boyfriend will suck because you're such a great person to be around" she looks at the roof and takes a shaky breath as a tear rolls down her cheek.

"You wanna know something?" I ask, she looks at me "what?"

"I love you too and if it comes down to it, getting my heart broken by you will be an honor because at least I could say that at one point in my life you were mine and you loved me, and I don't expect you to cut him out of your life at all because I know you cant do that even if you wanted to. You care too much about everyone in your life to do that and I respect and admire that about you, and if you want to be friends with him I'm all for it because I'm not the type of person to tell you who you can and can't be friends with" she was silently crying and it hurt me because she was so good at it, at not making any noise as tears fell from her eyes. It hurt because she shouldn't be crying at all, it pains me when ever she does.

"Don't cry love" I whisper "there's no reason to cry okay?" She nods and wipes her face, I pull her over my lap and hold her. She ends up laying her head on my shoulder "I really don't deserve you but I thank god that I have you" she pauses for a while before speaking up again "can we go back to sleep now please?" I nod "of course we can" I tell her, only neither of us move.

A few minutes later I felt her body go limp and her breathing goes steady. Realizing she fell asleep, I turn over to my side and lay her down next to me the turning off he lamp.

"Goodnight love" I kiss her forehead and pull the blankets over the both of us dozing off after.


Aislins POV

Me and Luke had a good talk last night and it felt good to get those feelings off my chest because If I had kept it in any longer I probably would have broke down, but right now I was getting impatient.

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