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"Luke do I look fatter to you?" I stare at myself in Luke's body mirror and then look at my stomach which seemed to be just the slightest bit chubbier than normal "is this one of those trick questions where you're going to get mad at me if I say the wrong thing?" He asks from the bathroom.

I laugh at his worried tone "no it's not a trick question" walking into the bathroom where he's shaving his face, I stand in just my jeans and red bra "look at my stomach does this not look chubbier to you?" I tell him, he stops his actions and faces me "you're not fat love" he says plainly "I wasn't saying that" I sigh "it just seems weird, like my stomach feels bigger somehow" I run a hand through my hair and lean my head on his bare back as he resumes shaving.

"I think you look the same" he shrugs "and even if you did gain weight so what? I'd still love you anyway" I wrap my arms around his waist and plant a kiss to his shoulder "I know" I smile "let me go put on my shirt before we leave"

Halloween was a few days away from us and I finally got to leave my brace off for good, however my only problem now was trying to figure out what I wanted to be for Emerson's Halloween party, and I know damn well Emerson isn't even throwing it, it's either Rem or Seb that told him to say it was.

Either way Luke and the guys were beyond glad to have a party to go to, they haven't had a drink in the longest time. They haven't even thought about clubbing either which really amused me because I know how much they like to go out.

I end up just throwing the white long sleeve I had gotten yesterday and lace up my black and white chucks, the only reason I bought this shirt was because it had buttons on the top so I could adjust how much cleavage to show. Obviously I didn't show much because 1) I didn't want any attention from any men or women whether it was good or bad and 2) I was too self conscious to even show any cleavage at all sometimes.

Right as I stood up from the floor I got hit with a wave of nausea and my legs gave out causing me to hit the floor and black out.

"Baby" I heard a faint voice "baby please get up" I open my eyes at blink a few times as the ringing in my ears fades away "what happened" I sit up and am immediately pulled into Luke's chest "thank fuck" he kisses the top of my head "how long was I out this time?" I ask when he lets go of me "only a few seconds love, are you okay?"

"Yea im fi-" I shoot up from my spot on the floor and race to the bathroom where I vomit in the toilet, my hair is held back by Luke as I throw up my lunch.

I flush the toilet and wipe my mouth "fuck" I groan "princess are you sure you're okay" Luke asks helping me up "Yea, I just need some medicine and I'll be good I think" I smile reassuringly, he looks unconvinced but let's me brush my teeth without another word.

I look in the mirror and sigh. I really hated feeling sick. Luke walked out of the room and I heard his footsteps as he headed downstairs.

Turning the light off I grab my phone off of Luke's nightstand and head downstairs myself "here you go love" Luke hands me two pills and some water "what is this" I ask as I pop them into my mouth "Dramamine, it's for motion sickness but it should help" he walks over to me and I lean into his side "I love you" I say quietly "I love you more" he wraps his arm around me and kisses the top of my head again "you ready to go now?"

"Yea but I'm assuming you don't want to leave without a shirt" I chuckle "oh damn" he looks down "you're right, I'll be back in a minute" he ruffles my hair and races up to his room only taking a few minutes before he's back at my side clad in black jeans and a baseball tee with stars down the arms. His hair was messy today but in a cute intentional way.

"We're just looking for a top right?" He asks "that is correct" I buckle my seatbelt "anything in specific?" He pulls out of the driveway and past the gates of their house "preferably a red and black corset top" I pause for a second "I think my Halloween ideas can come to me from there"

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now