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We get to Starbucks and I order my self a cool lime refresher while Rem just orders some kind of frappe that I didn't catch the name of.
As the lady gives us the total, Remington and I both look at each other before racing for our wallets to see who is able to get the money out first. It was something we all did because we could never decide on who was going to pay that day.

Unfortunately Rem beat me to it this time and slammed the money down on the counter leaving the lady confused. Remington brushes it off by saying "keep the change" while 'coolly' walking away.
I just scoff out a laugh and slowly walk over to him seeing as my leg was in pain due to the previous events that took place earlier. "Remi you're so stupid she was only going to give you ten cents back" I laugh.

"Hey every pen-" he was interrupted by some one calling out "Ass...lin?" Im beyond embarrassed at the mispronunciation of my name but I still manage to slowly walk up to the counter to collect our drinks and leave the coffee shop with Rem following suit.

"So Asslin where to now?" he chuckled using the name the cashier called me. "We're going to get nachos like I said" I replied handing him his drink.
As we continue to walk I feel Remington put an arm around me and I look up at him only to receive an adorable toothy grin.
"Oh look Emo people do smile Sandra" I turn around at the comment and see two girls looking at me and Rem giving us nasty looks.

"What are you looking at freak?" is what I hear the girl known as Sandra snickers. Im about to start walking over there when I feel a tug on my pants, only to realize that Remington had put a finger through the belt loop to hold me back. "Rem let me go I'm not going to do anything, I just feel a bit queasy I'm going to the trash" I lie, smiling at him.

Luckily he bought it "oh, I thought you were gonna start a fight, I was gonna sa-"
"sorry!" I interrupt him and take the coffee out of his hands only to dump both mine and his drink all over their ugly attire "that's for calling me a freak and my friend emo you fucking bitch" I say walking away smiling, content with my decision only to get hit with a wave of pain in my leg.

"OW" I yell and fall on my good knee to take pressure off of the other one.
Remington immediately runs over to me "that's what you get babe" he says picking me up "I'm taking you home you can't go to work today" he states, walking me to my black Jeep.

"Can you stop somewhere where they have nachos?" I ask as he sets me in the passenger side. "Yea I'm hungry too, plus you threw my drink on some girl" he chuckles closing the door and hopping into the driver side.
During the drive home I was feeling sick and light headed and I think Remington noticed because he laid an hand on my left thigh, rubbing it in a comforting way.

We pull up to the house and Remington grabs the food, getting down and heading over to unlock the door.
The second I get up, I began to see spots and then everything goes black for the second time today.
Remi's pov
I hear a crash on the ground which causes me to turn around only to see that Aislin had passed out for the second time today which meant either one of two things 1 being she hadn't been sleeping due to her insomnia or 2 being that her migraine and sleep medication have been making her loose her appetite again which meant she needed to change it, seeing as she herself, forgets that she needs to eat even though she's not hungry; the early morning being and exception as one time I made her eat at 9:00 in the morning for breakfast even though she said no, and well let's just say, I haven't had the appetite for pancakes in a while.

I quickly set the food down Aislin being my top priority. I set her down on our couch and grab her a glass of water for when she wakes up before setting her food on the coffee table.

I should've figured that she was going to pass out. I could tell from when we were in the car something was wrong because her face had paled and she became quieter than normal. I could always tell when it was going to happen and so could she. She would go pale and her eyes would start drooping and that was from my point of view, as for her, she told me she would get a very harsh wave of nausea, become dizzy and not be able to stand on her own for very long.

Which is good that we found the pattern because now we know that she'd only be out for two or three minutes tops.
As if on queue, she gets up and asks for water which I give to her along with her food. "Thanks Rem" she says slowly, her eyes barely open, it usually took a couple minutes to regain her energy. I let her finish her food, eating my own in peaceful silence.

"Have you been sleeping?" I finally ask her getting up to sit next to her. I gently pick her up and set her in my lap. Almost instantly she lays her head on my chest and sighs. "No, they've been fighting again and I've gotten used to my medication, it's not helping me sleep anymore and not even the pressure spike puts on my body will put me to sleep" she explains, her voice wobbly as if she wanted to cry.
"Rem I don't know what to do" she finally lets the tears fall. My fingers playing with her hair while I hold her close.

I get up with her In my arms and walk up stairs to my room where I lay her down on my bed, closing the door behind me and shutting the curtains so it's dark in here. I lay back down next to her and she cuddles into me so that her back is pressed against my chest and one of my arms is around her waist while the other plays with her long brown hair as she silently lets her tears fall.

"Can you sing to me Rem" she asks quietly "of course I can, what do you wanna hear princess" I say using one of her nicknames that me and the boys call her. "That one song you always sing to me" she replies snuggling further into me.

I knew which song she was talking about, Ma Cherie, I start singing it to her as she started to drift off to sleep.

She always told us that we would make it big one day and to never stop doing what we love to do, she was what kept Sebastian, Emerson, and I writing our music.

That song, was her song she just hasn't realized it yet. As soon as she falls asleep I slowly start to drift off too, thinking of her as my mind falls into a slumber that I had yet to know would be awoken so rudely.

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now