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Aislins pov
It was currently midnight and I was on my way home from the boys house. "Fucking hell, you guys are like rabbits." I hear Emerson yell from upstairs. He comes down and is about to lean in to hug me goodbye but hesitates "you're clean right? I don't have to worry about Remingtons kids rubbing off on me?" I laugh at this.

"Yes, I'm clean Em," I hug him goodbye. "Goodnight."

"Good night princess" he smiles, heading back in.

"You sure you don't want me to walk you home?" Remington asks.

"I literally live across the street from you, you can see me from your doorstep...or any of your front facing windows" I laugh.

"Alright, just call if you need anything or if you can't sleep, you know I'll wake up."

"I honestly think you tired me out enough to just get in bed and relax." I reply kissing his cheek.

"Just date already this has been going on for like two years, ugh it's so gross" I turn to see Seb behind me with a smoothie and fries but before I can ask, he cuts me off.

"No you can't have it I just bought it"

"pwetty pwease? It's the least you can do after making me fall on top of those mouse traps, which left me bruised by the way."

"That's bullshit, I don't see anything but I guess you can have my fries" he gives in after inspecting me.

I happily take them before pointing out the little welts left behind on my skin "Explain this then."

"Aislin babe you've got more than just mouse trap marks on you." he retorts, snorting out a laugh. "I swear you guys are like rabbits. I don't know any one who goes at it five times in row in one day."

"Actually make that six they broke record." Emerson buds in. I hide behind Rem only to have him pull me back in front of him. My face flushes.

"You guys are just jealous that I get laid more often than you do." Remington states, earning at smack to the chest.

"Rem shut the fuck up or you won't be getting laid at all. Anyways, I really do have to go now. My child needs to eat, I'll see you tomorrow." I hug all of them one more time before going home.

As I walk through the front door, I hear my mom crying and walk into the kitchen, my heart drops as soon as I see why. She's sobbing with my dog in her arms. He isn't breathing and there seems to be what looks like a bullet wound in his head.

Just like that, my whole world shatters and I start balling my eyes out. The most blood curdling, ear piercing scream escapes my throat and right now I couldn't give two fucks who heard me. It's not until I drop to the floor that I notice my mothers face which has a brand new purple bruise down the side of it. My father stands there with a gun and bite marks littering his arms and that's when it hits me. He did this.

I get to my feet as fast as possible without hesitation. I don't know if it's because I didn't care what would happen to me or if maybe the rage that was currently coursing through my body but somehow I manage to take the gun out of his hands. He's shouting something but I don't hear it and when he lunges at me, I don't think I just shoot.

The feel of a hand on my shoulder causes me to freak out only to see Remington. He's on the phone with who I'm guessing is the police and the other boys tending to my 35 year old mother who has a purple bruise in the shape of my fathers hand on her face. My father lays on the floor, yelling in pain trying to stop the bleeding in his leg. Wow, I should've aimed higher.

I hear police sirens, Seb takes my mom outside most likely to the paramedics. I stay where I am next to Remington and Emerson who stayed with us.

"Ace you have to let go of the gun" Emerson tells me, gently closing his hand around mine and carefully starts easing it out of my grasp.

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