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By the time the salmon was done everyone had left the kitchen so I was in here by my self. I decided to make them all there plates real quick so I could go take a shower since I wasn't really hungry.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket along with the Snapchat alert thing.
Grabbing my phone and unlocking it, i realized it was a snap from Remington. He was holding a little stuffed penguin thing, and of course he was shirtless as per usual in this house.

I replied with a picture of his food typing 'that's cute, really, but I think the food is cuter' and hitting send, walking to the living room to tell Maddie and Emerson that their food was done, taking a plate for Seb.

"Yes I can finally eat!" Maddie shouts running to the kitchen. "Okay then" I quietly chuckle to my self. "Thanks babe" Emerson says running after her into the kitchen but not before ruffling my hair, surely messing up my already messy bun.

I walk upstairs to Sebastians room with his plate in my hand and knock twice before walking in. He was asleep, cuddling close to his pillow. "Seb here's your food" I say gently shaking him.

"Hmm?" He groans rubbing his eyes turning over into his back. "Your food, I brought it to you" I chuckle turning on his bedside lamp.

"Oh, thanks buddy" he says taking the food from my hands. "You need to stop drinking Seabass, it's not good for you" I sigh.

"But it hurts everywhere, and it shouldn't because she's a cheating bitch" he groans. "I know how you feel, all you have to do is show her what she's missing out on, go flaunt yourself find someone better who's gonna treat you right, you know" I tell him. "You know for someone who gives good advice you never follow it yourself why?" He asks sitting up taking a few bit s of his food.

"I ask myself that question all the time" I answer honestly. "This is really good by the way" he smiles. "Thanks, Remington almost killed me while I was making the mashed potatoes" I chuckle. "Please tell me you killed his potato, we all knew it wouldn't last long" he laughs. "Emerson did I had to hold him back" I say "Well I have to go shower and then were all watching movies for the rest of the day if you wanna join us" getting up I ruffle his hair and walk out going to the bathroom so I could shower.

I got undressed and hopped in, doing my usual shower routine. Body, hair, shave, and body again.

It wasn't until I got out of the shower that I realized I forgot to bring my clothes. Oh well I had to suck it up and walk downstairs to my room in just a towel.

I rung out my hair and wrapped my body in my black towel walking out hoping not to run into someone.

The key word in that sentence, was hoping, because as I walked down the hall towards the stairs, I ran into the one and only Remington. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I forgot my clothes" I say looking at the floor trying to walk past him.

That didn't work as he pulled me back my my towel nearly causing it to fall off my body. "Remington!"I whisper shout, clutching the towel closer to my body. "What" he chuckled "I just wanted to see if I bruised you Come here" he says putting a finger under my chin turning my head to the side so he could see where he bit me earlier, I'm assuming.

"I don't think you did, which I grateful for so don't think about doing it again" I say looking around me to make sure nobody was around.

"Why? you always loved when I marked you up" he says pulling me to him my my waist so my chest was pushed against him. I put my hand against him trying to push away, but gave up when It didn't work.

Instead I looked up at him and furrowed my eyebrows together.
"Yea, before you hurt me, I said we could be friends, and friends don't sexually bite each other" I explain.

"You let Emerson Mark you up everywhere and he was your friend, so why can't I" he whispers in my ear. Why is he being such a little shit all of a sudden? I felt his hands squeeze my sides making me jump and try to push away from him but again it was no use.

"I thought we were past this Remington, me and Emerson haven't done anything since then okay? Can I please go change now?" I was getting frustrated being trapped against him.

I've been sexually frustrated since last week. I get turned on by any little thing when I'm on my period so thank god it's over but I still have a high sex drive and i fucking hate that.

"Okay go ahead" he let me go by as soon as I took my first step he pulled me back and crashed his lips to my own. I clutched tightly to my towel with one hand while my other found its way to his hair. His hands cupped my face pulling me closer.

I couldn't breathe anymore so I pulled away. I really missed his lips on mine. He was smiling with his eyes closed. Leaning his forehead on mine he chuckles. "I knew it, I knew you still wanted me" he rubbed his thumb on cheek gently. "Go change" he says finally letting me go for real this time.

I walked down stairs stunned with what just happened. I let him kiss me, and I kissed back. "You missed the entire rest of the movie Lin" Maddie says throwing and pillow at me. "Mhm" I hum, I thought about Remington's lips on mine again and smiled. I couldn't be mad at him no matter how hard I tried, I was so hopelessly in love with him it was sad.

(Again sorry for any misspelled or misplaced words, I'm using my phone to write this story and I constantly go back and change things if I think they're bad, plus I have the memory of a two year old child, I literally can't remember anything I write so I constantly have to reread my chapters a lot.

Another thing is, I write these chapters really late at night sometimes and when I mean late I'm talking about the hours between 2-5 in the Morning because I have insomnia and have nothing to do during those hours when I can't sleep so that's also another reason why things may be misspelled or misplaced in the book)

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now