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(I recommend that you guys read the last chapter because as I started reading this right now I was really confused. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but im back, I honestly forgot about putting out more chapters mostly because I've been juggling three other books and I've started babysitting again. Anyways enjoy)

Luke's POV

"Love" I place my hand on her knee and shake her a bit, "wake up little one we're here" she doesn't budge so I round the car and open her door, getting her out myself.

She must've been tired, didn't sleep very well last night. I felt her stirring around all night and kept having to hold her tighter than usual in order for her to calm down enough to get back to sleep, I however, am used to not getting very much sleep because of what I do for a living.

"Hey mate" Calum calls from the couch "she out?" He whispers once he sees the sleeping girl in my arms "Yea, she's been sick all day" I nod "damn" he shakes his head.

"Can you take her up to my room? I have to use the restroom really bad" he laughs at me but takes her from my arms nonetheless "am I going to get cuddles for this or what? I don't work for free" I flip him off and roll my eyes, "just take her" I laugh, heading to the bathroom.

After I wash my hands I head out to my car and grab our pajamas, smiling to myself at the fact that my girlfriend is just as childish as I am sometimes "what did you buy?" I hear Michaels voice behind me as I close the front door "Aislin and I bought matching onesies" I tell him "nice" he nods taking a bite of his pizza.

He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a black shirt, his hair pink this time and I laugh at his laziness "there's pizza if you want any" he says as he walks to the couch where Calum sat, watching tv again "nah I'm good"

"It's been quiet all day, Ashton's sick" Calum glances up at me.

"He has a cold" Michael adds "well I bought medicine for Aislin, I'll take him some too I guess" I sigh walking up the stairs, barely making it halfway, "my emo child is sick?!" Michael stands up quickly, setting his pizza aside and rushing past me "she's asleep bro!" Calum calls out "leave her!"

"No my daughter is ill" Michael runs into my room and I roll my eyes "he can get sick too if he wants" I shrug going back downstairs.


"I don't feel good" I hear Aislin coming down the stairs before she slowly makes her way over to cuddle up on my lap "I feel really hot" she mumbles into my chest.

I wrap an arm around her while my other hand goes to her forehead "you're burning up" I sigh, hooking my arm under her legs before standing up.

"She okay?" Calum mouths, I shake my head no and he furrows his eyebrows "what's wrong?" I shrug and begin to walk up the stairs "I think it's just a bug" I tell him before heading up to my room and into the en-suite bathroom.

I hear soft snores and chuckle when I realize she fell asleep "oh baby" brushing some hair away for her face, I close the toilet seat and sit on top of it, leaning over to start the water for a bath.

Her face was burning but she was shivering despite her saying she was hot only minutes ago, she stirs and I have to grip onto her so that she doesn't fall off of my lap "what are you doing" she mumbles tiredly "running you bath love, it should help reduce your fever"

"But won't the hot water make it worse?"

"I didn't say it was going to be a hot one, let's take off your clothes" I tug at her shirt and she raises her arms for me to pull it off.

"I want nachos" she sighs "and fries...and maybe a Dr.Pepper too" I laugh at her sleepy tone "we'll go after you get out of the bath" I stand her up on her feet and unbutton her jeans sliding them down and then letting them fall so that she can slip out of them.

My thumb runs over the tattoo on her hip before I tug her underwear down. She truly was a beautiful person and not just physically either, I love all of her.

I love the weird obsession she has with gushers and Dr.Pepper, I love how she doesn't cut her hair because she thinks short hair looks weird on her when in reality she could totally pull it off, I even love the faint scars on her shoulders and the one on her thigh that's almost invisible, and even though I know that the tattoos on her body relate to the relationship she was in before me, I still love them too because it's what makes her happy and it holds meaning to her.

I unclasp her bra and she lets it fall to the floor while I run my hands over her curves slowly, admiring the beauty of the angel in front of me.

She lets me do what I want and places her palms on my chest as she looks up at me with her grey eyes "you're beautiful" I tell her "everything about you is beautiful and I love you" I plant a kiss to her temple and spin her around "get in there, I need to grab your medicine"

She grips my wrist before I leave "I don't want it, all I do is take medicine and I just... I don't want to take it because then I'll feel sleepy"

"You need to or else you're going to keep running a fever and stay sick"

"I don't care. I may be acting childish but I hate taking medicine Luke, I'm always going to have anxiety and depression and insomnia and nothing is going to change that not my pills or therapy or anything that the doctors say are supposed to help, so please just don't make me take anymore medicine" I see her bottom lip tremble and my heart aches for her.

"I'm sorry" I wrap my arms around her shoulders and she buries her face into my chest immediately "princess, I didn't mean to make you feel like there was something wrong with you I just don't want you to feel sick is all. You've been vomiting all day"

"I know but I just hate having to depend on pills all the time" she mumbles "I want to get better on my own, and this is something that I can easily get over without having to take and medicine"

"Okay, then that's what we'll do" I say softly "no more medicine, we'll work on this together love. I'll try my best to help you through it but you'll have to forgive me if I'm not the best at helping okay?"

"Okay" she nods "no more medicine" I hear her sniffle and she lets go "will you sit in here with me? I don't want to be alone"

"In the water?" I ask "no luke in the fucking trashcan" she laughs softly wiggling her nose as she sniffles again "yes in the water you big dummy" she tugs at my shirt and I pull it off along with my jeans and boxers before we step into the tub.

She sits in between my legs after tying up her hair into a bun. My fingers run down her spine and I feel her shiver making me smile and do it again, "I like that feeling" she says quietly "it tickles but just barely, it's nice"

We sit there for what seems like forever before getting out, her face slightly colder than it was and I mentally sigh in relief that her fever is gone.

We walk out of my bathroom and I pull out two clean shirts and two pairs of sweats while she grabs her undergarments from the top drawer "I smell like you" she laughs "I know angel, I'm sorry you didn't have any body wash, I didn't notice you ran out"

"I'm not complaining" she smiles "I'm just saying that I smell like you"

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I hand her the change of clothes I picked out for her.

"Good" she says softly "it's definitely a good thing. Can we really get nachos though?"

"Yes we can get nachos" I chuckle "and fries...and Dr.Pepper"

She flips me off and finds a pair of socks "are these penguins?" She holds them up to me and I nod "yes, it's my favorite animal" I snatch them from her only for her to snatch them back "I know it is" she slips them on "I remember you tackling Calum in Maddie's room one night over Skype because he took your stuffed penguin"

"I did not" I scoff.

"You did" I slip on my own pair of socks after I'm dressed and grab my keys off the dresser "come on then, before I change my mind" I hold a hand out for her and she takes it without a second thought.

"I didn't tackle him by the way"

"You did"

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now