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"Aislin wake up"I feel someone shake me. "Ace" they whisper again. I finally open my eyes and I see a shirtless Emerson.

"What Em?" I groan rubbing my eyes, I look at my phone and see that we slept all day it was now almost midnight. I guess I really did need to sleep.

"Get up!" He whispered

I slowly crawl out of bed being careful not to wake the beautiful human being next to me.

"What's up?"I yawn stretching my arms out. It when Emerson pulled my shirt back down that I realized I was only wearing Rems shirt and no pants.

"Oh my god!what the fuck" he covered his eyes and I looked at myself only to see I had marks on my legs from the other day.

"Oh shit I forgot I didn't have pants on" I laugh. I pulled my shirt over my underwear and then uncovered Emerson's eyes.

"Chill out you guys have all seen me in a bathing suit. What did you want anyways?"I ask.

"I was gonna say if you wanted to go out and buy food with me because it's too late for you to cook dinner since you and Remington fell asleep and Sebastian is out drinking with Danny" He says, Danny was one of their friends. I only met him one but he was pretty cool and very nice.

"Ooh yes I want food!" I squeal running downstairs. "Aislin!"I hear Emerson shout as I was just about to run out the door. I look over at him "what?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

He looks down at my legs and raises a brow "I like the view and all but you can't go out in just underwear Remington will kill you" he says.

"Oh my god I'm so stupid" I groan smacking my face with my hand. "give me a minute" I start to jog upstairs but stop mid way when I see Remington coming down.

" hey babe," he says smiling while rubbing his eyes "Hi" I reply smiling back hoping he doesn't see that I'm still not wearing pants.

I wasn't that lucky, in fact, not only did he see me, but his younger brother as well. He looked back and fourth between us. " why are you naked with Emerson" he asks looking at me mostly.

I was scared, he looked mad and Remington was scary when he was mad. " I-we- " I couldn't make out any words under his intense gaze.

" I woke her up so we could get food and she forgot she didn't have pants on" Emerson explained.

Remington just looked at me for a second before he started laughing his ass off.

"I'm just fucking with you babe come here" he laughed pulling me into him. "I heard you guys when you where outside the door Emerson sucks at being quiet" he kissed the top of my head.

"But as for you little brother, stop looking at her ass" he warns "I heard what you said 'I like the view and all'" he mocked.

"Ew Rem, I don't see her that way" Emerson says making a face "shes my baby sister" he finishes grabbing the keys off the counter.

"Yea better, she's my girlfriend" Rem says " fucking finally shit I was beginning to think you were too much of a little pussy to ask her out" Em laughs.

"Guys I still need pants" I mumble into Rems chest since he has t let me go.

" oh right" I'm finally let free and race to get some sweats on real fast.

"Ok let's go!" I yell and rush past them to my car since Sebastian had theirs and three didn't fit on one motorcycle.

We ended up getting jack in the box. We all got burgers from there and a I of course ordered a Dr.Pepper and so did the boys. Seb wasn't back yet so we assumed he was crashing at Danny's or his girlfriends, whom I haven't met yet.

The three of us were sitting on the couch eating in silence with the the tv off.

"Rem can i ask you something?" I question, sipping on my soda.
"Hmm?" He responds since he was chewing his food. "Why did you order a diet Dr.Pepper at in n out the other day?"

"I wanted to see how it tasted" he tells me "it wasn't that bad honestly" he shrugs. "Cool beans" I say finishing up my burger and throwing the trash away. I look at the clock and see that it's 1:47.

"I'm going to sleep good night fuckers"Emerson says standing up from the couch. "Also don't duck each other tonight I need sleep, I'm going out tomorrow I'm gonna go check out some things at the store, and buy new sharpies and paper and shit" his voice faded as he walked up the stairs.

"Can I bleach your hair?" I ask rem out of no where.
"No, why" he snorts " no reason just a thought " I say leaning my head on his shoulder.

"How about, I bleach you're hair?" He questions looking down at me, grabbing a strand hair and twisting it around his fingers. " Ha! No, you're real funny you know that? My hair does not go anywhere near chemicals like that" I quickly say taking my hair back from him.

"Okay then we're settled" he chuckles. " I love you Rem" I whisper kissing his cheek.

That made him smile " I love you too" " You know you're very cute with out makeup Remi" "I'm hot not cute" he corrects.

" no you're just cute, like a little puppy" I say pinching his cheeks. I yawned, feeling the lack of sleep from the past few days kick in " You tired princess" I nod and he stands up.

"Come here"he says leaning down and picking me up, I wraps my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I love you"I mumble, my eyes closing while slowly start drifting off to sleep.
I felt my self being set down on our bed and then the covers being draped over me. Remington laid next to me and I scooted closer to his warm body finally dozing off "I love you" was the last thing I heard that night.

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now