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I wake up and realize I was on the boys couch with my dog lying next to me. He wasn't bloody anymore and I was confused.

"I washed him up for you so it would be easier to stitch him up" I hear Remington say. When I turn towards where I heard him, I see that he's sat on the seat across from me. "How long was I out"

"Not long, Rem carried you here after you passed out and Blue ran off. He's pissed." Emerson speaks up.

He hands me two pain killers and a Dr. pepper. "Thanks Em" I take them from his hand wincing as I sit up.

"No problem. You might want to shower though, you still have blood all over you." He replies rubbing my head like a child.

I do as I'm told, walking up the stairs to the bathroom and turning on the hot water then heading into Remington's room where I keep my spare clothes. He had the biggest room and therefore had more space so he offered to let me bring clothes to keep here if anything ever happened. That and because of the amount of times I stay over here.

" I already set some clothes in the bathroom for you." I jumped at the sudden voice and find Rem sitting on the bed "oh fuck...I didn't even see them, thanks" I breathe out, ready to walk back out when he grabs me "Are you okay?"

I'm fine Rem, you know I am, it's just a little gash. I'll fix my self up right now, it's nothing too bad" I reply.

"You passed out for fuck sake Aislin! What are you gonna do if it happens again in there huh?" the tone of his voice causes me to jump, he's never yelled at me before. Something you need to know about me is that just because I'm not scared of my father screaming at me, it doesn't mean that it goes for every one else as well. As a matter of fact since I was a child I was always scared of teachers getting me in trouble or getting put on the spot especially by those I care about or care about me. I've always been scared of failure so I would always push my self to be the best, only getting grades B-or higher, nothing less. I could feel my hands shaking as my my heart rate picks up.

"Please Rem, stop. I said I'm fine" I say, putting a hand on his chest to stop him from getting closer to me right now. My eyes were glossy, not because I was scared but because I was frustrated.
"Ace I'm sorry, don't cry, please don't cry I didn't mean to yell I'm just worried"

"It's fine. If you're that worried I'll leave the door unlocked" I say and turn around to walk out. As soon as I get to the bathroom I step in the shower. Immediately, the blood starts washing off.

When I step out I look for a towel only to realize that these boys never keep towels in here since I do their laundry every Saturday. I dry my feet on the rug and walk to the door to open it a crack "Guys! I need a towel!"

"Coming!" Someone replies back. I couldn't make out who it was until they came up.
It was Remington. He came up with two towels in hand and what looked like a smoothie from Jamba Juice "I had Seb stop to get you one on the way back from the store since you don't like eating in the morning." He said handing me the towels and smoothie through the crack in the door


"No problem" he replies as I closed the door, immediately rapping one towel in my hair and using the other to dry my self. It's a good thing Rem has a good sense of style. He picked out a pair of black shorts and a t-shirt that I just realized isn't mine, but I didn't care it because it fit me fine, a little big, but comfy. I laugh at the thought of Remington finding clothes for me as it must've been awkward to get me my undergarments but oh well he should have let me get them my self. He never knows how to match them no matter how many times he's seen me in them.

I quickly change and grab the things I'll need to stitch up my dog, such as numbing and sutures along with some gauze, saline, and wrapping, bringing extra as I have to stitch my self as well.

I walked with a little bit of a limp towards the stairs, dreading going down remembering how painful it was to even come up.
I let out a little whimper as I start walking down, only to be picked up and carried the rest of the way. I look up to see that Emerson had been the one to pick me up "I was getting my hat" he states as if he knew what I was going to ask.

"Thanks Em" I say as he sets me down "anything for my little sister" Emerson replies walking out of the house "They're going shopping today" Remington pipes up.

"That's nice" I sit next to him on the couch calling spike over "Ready bubbas? I have to stitch you up again." I quickly check where he was bitten glad to see that it was a small wound that actually did not need stitches only some medicine and a wrap "oh my god, thank fuck" I breathe.

It only takes me a minute to wrap him up, the wound was on his front right leg and he only had a few cuts on his neck nothing too bad. It would only take a few days to heal.

"Okay Remington, as for me, I need you to just hold my leg down so I don't move while I suture it." I tell him, only to receive a confused look.

"Are you fucking crazy? I'll pass out"

"Well then go get some more gauze and wrapping and some antibiotic ointment while I stich myself up" I roll my eyes.

"Now that I can do"

As he leaves, I get the numbing injection and inject it in my thigh around the area that's wounded. I start to stitch my leg and Remington returns with the cream "How are you so chill about this?" he asks. "Well Rem, when you grow up the way I did it just becomes normal I guess." I finish up and take out some gauze.

I had just took it from Remington when we hear the doorbell ring and Rem gets up to open it. Outside stands a pissed off Rick with blue in his arms "You fucking bitch!" He yells.

"What did I do?"

"Rick get the fuck out of here" Remington states, pushing me behind him "No, this is your fault Aislin."

I look at Blue only to see he's not breathing "He got run over because of you" he growls.

"Blue attacked them, she warned you. Whatever happened to him is on you man" Rem crosses his arms as they stare each other down. I stay behind him since Rick was a lot bigger and taller than me. Don't get me wrong I wasn't scared of him but if he got crazy I wouldn't be able to fight back with an injured leg.
"This isn't over bitch, you better watch your back" with that, he leaves.

Misunderstood (1) |Remington Leith|Where stories live. Discover now