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I can't really decide if I want to cry or punch someone in the face at this point. I'm supposed to be at home right now gorging myself on snacks and binge watching a few anime. I'm supposed to be glued to my controller, destroying the spirits of thousands of other young gamers around the world. I'm supposed to be sleeping in late with my dog 'Holly' , but no! I'm stuck here on a stupid smelly bus well on my way to Summer Camp.

Everyone knows the only reason kids go to summer camp these days is because their parents need a few months bullshit free, but I'm not a bad kid. You set one dye pack off in a department store and you get labeled a terrorist for life! I must have really pissed off the parentals this time.

I was really trying to be optimistic earlier. I was hoping maybe there would be a few cute girls here to entertain me, though I could never grow the balls to talk to any of them. Just my luck that this is an all boys camp.

The bus came to a sudden stop in a clearing. I could already feel the mosquito's biting. The damp earth is littered with jagged stones and green foliage grows as far as the eye can see. The midday sun scorching us with its glory.

Most of the other guys have been chatting during the ride while I've been trying to stay as invisible as possible. The boy seated beside me doesn't really make it too hard. He's just been staring out the window the entire time. Actually its more like he's staring at the window, like someone would stare at a movie screen. Everyonce in a while he'd flinch, his ears would twitch as if he's hearing a sound the rest of us are oblivious too. I started to keep track of his actions to stab away boredom. Another perk of this camp? No electronics. No internet. No social media.

After watching his imaginary movie for another few minutes, he tears his eyes away to scribble notes into his palm with a ballpoint pen. I could never read what he wrote and soon he began to bore me too.

"Okay Shanks! Listen up!" A large man stood up in the front of the bus. He sported a pair of neon sweats with a silver whistle dangling from his throat. His beady eyes as black of his stringy handlebar mustache. " I'm about to assign your bunk mates"

Nobody quiets down for his announcement.

"Let me remind you that you will be stuck with this person for the remainder of the three months. " he stopped to look each and every one of us in the eyes. Well everyone except the boy beside me. He's still staring blankly at the window.

Everybody goes quiet.

"Good, glad we could come to an understanding. " the man, who I assume is the head coach , whipped a clipboard out of who knows where "my name is Raphael, but Coach Raffe is just fine."

Coach Raffe moved down the individual bus isles one at a time probably checking if all campers are present. The bus teetered a bit with each of his steps.

"You have five counselor's who will be keeping you in check during your stay. Disrespect any one of them and you have to deal with me! Understand?"

"Yes Sir" we chorused

"Good that." Coach nodes . He starts assigning bunks and when he got to my name I perked up "Min Yoongi you're with Kim Taehyung. "

We went over rules and regulations next. All the while Coach Raffe used slang words I didn't really understand like 'Good that', 'Shuck' , 'Shank', 'Greenie'.

"That's its. Get off my damn bus, I'm tired of staring at your shuck faces. Camp activities start tomorrow after the wake up."

We all filed out of the bus before he can say more. I made a dash for the baggage trunk, but stopped short when I saw a group of boys rummaging through it.

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