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5 Months Later...

"Kanari, you gonna' smile for mommy?" I tickled her, she started laughing, shrieking. "Sageeee ugh, come here. I don't feel too - " Mina was throwing up again.

I shook my head. "Get ready for a god brother or sister, Nari. Your god mama might be pregnant." I picked her up, and gotten a pregnancy test from my closet.

I went to the bathroom downstairs, where Mina was at. The door was cracked, I pushed it, walking inside. I sat the test down. "Mina, you pregnant again?" I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders, wiping her mouth, getting up.

"Well take that just to be sure." I said, and I closed the door behind me. Somebody was knocking on the front door. I opened it, it was Audrey.

"Heyyy." Audrey said with enthusiasm, I let her inside she took Kanari out of my hands. We went to the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Hey." I laughed. "When you going to take her down to see April and Autumn?" Audrey asked, I shrugged my shoulders. I was about to say something until Mina said: "Its negative and I feel fucking pregnant. Oh my God dude, I hope I'm not having delusions of pregnancy or I'm not fertile. That stupid bitch ruined my chance of having kids bro'." Mina paced back and forth, ready to tear up.

"Bitch how the fuck can you be infertile by a gun wound? Shut the hell up." Audrey laughed at Mina. She's stressing herself out. Lately she been insecure of her body because of her scar.

"How long you been feeling like this?" I asked her. "I don't know.. I guess ever since Kanari came home. I seen you with a baby, and my baby died and now I want another one. I just have baby fever." Mina muttered, she plopped down on the floor, and laid down on the rug.

"Mimi, your time will come. And you're Kanari's god mother. She's your god child. She basically your child too. Cheer up, it's going to be okay." I stated, trying to give her a little faith and hope that she might have a child.

"Yeah, you're right. My time will come." She mumbled. After she said that, we heard the front door open, we shot our heads at the door.

"Damn, its just me." Kentrell mugged us all as he walked in. We smacked our lips, and turned around. "And why the fuck the door was unlocked?" He retorted askingly.

"I forgot to lock it after Audrey came in." I say. "Next time lock it." He said bluntly, but stern. I rolled my eyes. "Okay." I said annoyed, ending the conversation.

The door opened again, and I heard all of their loud asses. "Can y'all not." Mina said a loud, to get their attention. "Can we not what? And why yo' ass laying on the rug?" Ben asked, walking through the living room.

"Right she better hope she ain't get lint or gum stuck in ha' hair. Hairstylists gone go snip snip." KD said jokingly while pretending to make his fingers scissors.

"Shut the fuck up. Mind your own." Mina said, waving him off. She turned her body over, where she was laying face down on the rug. "What chu' got ta' eat up in hea'." Ben said as I heard a squeak which made me turn around. I walked in the kitchen. I saw the everybody except Kentrell.

"Uh uh. Hell no. Y'all are not about to eat up my snacks." I saw them pulling all of my snacks out.

"We'll buy you some more if we eat em' up." I rolled my eyes, and went to the refrigerator. "Which one of y'all got ma' baby?" Kentrell said, as he looked towards the arch way of the living room.

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