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"You're gonna' let your daughter disrespect me Marilyn?"

"I have nothing to do with yall conversation but you will leave my daughter and her friends alone." My mama said. "Of course you'd take up for this one. You should feel ashamed that you got this girl thinking that she's your only daughter."

In a quick flash, my mom tried to hop over the table but my uncle grabbed her. Damn I was hoping to see Pearl get her ass whooped. "Fuck you! You have no right to speak on my other child Pearl! It was you who made me do it!" My mama yelled as my uncle took her out of the room.

"What? You made my mama get rid of her other daughter?" I was about to walk up to Pearl but Kentrell grabbed me. I mean I already knew but why did Pearl do that? "She's lying - "

"No she's not lying. You made her get rid of her baby and you made Liv abort hers, that's why she can't have any children because of you. You took both of them away until Marilyn was pregnant with Sage. And you wanted nothing to do with Marilyn after she was pregnant, that's why you lied and wrote a letter to Rahkim, telling him that the kids weren't his and he'll never see them again." My cousin Terry said.

"Wow.. So it was all you huh? From this moment on.. You ain't nothing to me." I said bluntly, leaving her dumbfounded. I walked out of my aunt's house. I walked to my car, I put Kanari inside her car seat and strapped her in.

As I strapped her in, I heard a car screech. I looked up, Audrey's mom hop out the car. I saw Pearl leaving, Uncle Travis, April, and the twins walking out. "Why didn't you call me Travis!?" She yelled.

"You made miss my daughter's funeral!" She cried. I couldn't take anymore drama, I had to leave. I got in my car, and drove off. I only seen my car and Kentrell's, everybody left out when I stood up.

Mina and Savannah must've left with the others in they car. I drove to my house, I seen all they cars parked in front of it. I pulled in the driveway. I sighed and parked my car. I got out, and grabbed Kanari's seat, then locked my doors.

I opened my house door, I looked around seeing everybody eating. I shook my head and laughed. "Yeah we took our shit to go." Boomer said, "Pearl need her ass beat, I don't give a fuck how old she is." Mina retorted.

"And she really gonna' come at me like that. Just because Josiah is light skinned, I'm mixed, and Rahkim is brown skinned, so of course it was a possibility that he'd be lighter than him, because of me. People mistake me for a white girl." Savannah said.

"Fuck Pearl. She ain't nothing to me. And we know Josiah is Rahkim's Savannah don't even trip. Just like my mama said, he is a spitting image of Rahkim when he was younger and people say he looks like me." I sat Kanari seat on the couch, then I sat down and took her out of her seat.

"Where Andrea? I thought I told her to come here?" I inquired. "She wasn't on the porch when we got here." KD shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Why is she even coming is, my question." Mina said. "You didn't hear her say she didn't have nowhere to go? That girl needs help. And Ben, I think you should talk to her instead of avoid her.. Especially if she pregnant." I stated my opinion.

"I can't believe that shit though.. She really pregnant." Three said. "Nigga you was just in the same position like him except your girl didn't die." Mina retorted at Three. "And how is Unique and the baby?" Mina inquired being petty.

"The baby is ight, I guess." Three shrugged his shoulders. "Damn so she really pregnant for real?"

Three nodded his head. I heard my door open, it was Kentrell. "I'm hiding my keys somewhere else, you getting too comfortable just walking in my house." I told Kentrell.

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