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"Hold on be I'll right back. My cookies in the oven." She ran out the living room. "Okay.." I muttered. That was odd. I was playing with Kanari while Mina was gone.

5 minutes later, she came back with tears streaming down her eyes, covering her mouth. She had something behind her back. "What's wrong Mimi?" I ask, She slowly took whatever was behind her back.

My eyes widen, and my mouth dropped.

I immediately closed my mouth, and frowned. "Really Mina. You crying over some burnt ass cookies?" I stale faced her.

"Yeah they were my favorite." She sniffled. I shook my head.

"I can't believe my poor precious cookies got burnt. And they were pillsbury cookies with brownie mixed in between them. I really wanted some too." She cried.

"Mina you will be okay, you had me thinking it was something else.." She looked at me. "Like what?" She asked. "Nothing. Let's just change the subject." I shook my head, assuring her.

My phone was ringing, I took it out of my pocket. It was my Aunt. "Who is it?" Mina inquired. "My aunt, I don't feel like talking right now.. but I always answer her phone calls." I shrugged my shoulders, and picked up my phone.

"Hello?" I answered the call. "Sage! You have to come to the hospital!" Aunt Liv cried.

"What? But why?" I ask, "SAGE JUST COME TO THE HOSPITAL ITS IMPORTANT!"  She yelled. "Okay, I'm coming." I say, hanging up.

"What happened?" Mina asked. "I don't know she called me crying, something bad must've happened." I got up, and went upstairs to Kanari room. I grabbed her car seat, and an outfit. I changed her clothes, then I strapped her in her seat.

I grabbed her diaper bag, car seat, and went downstairs. Mina had her slippers on, I grabbed my keys, then I put my shoes on. "Ima' call Audrey, and see what's going on, she'd probably know.." I say, getting on my phone, going to my contacts.

I clicked on Audrey's name, calling her but her phone went straight to voicemail. "What? Why is her phone going straight to voicemail?" I thought. "Mina call her off your phone and see if anything happens."

She put her phone on speaker, and the call went to voicemail. "I don't know what's going but im not about to think crazy until I get to the hospital." I grabbed Kanari's car seat handle, and went out the door. I unlocked my car doors, Mina opened the backdoor for me, I sat her seat down, and secured her seat belt.

I went to the other side, and sat down. Mina was gonna' drive while I sat in the backseat. "I really hope it ain't bad.." I said, while shaking my head. "Yes.. Cause we don't need nothing bad happening." Mina agreed with me.

"Drey not answering her phone which is pissing me off. Her phone should not be off, especially during shit like this. Where could she be?"

"I don't know... You think she laid up with Ben?" Mina inquired. "I don't know... I hope not."

"Think we should call him and see if he seen her?" Mina asked. "Yeah, Ima' call him." I got on my phone, and clicked his contact, and called him. It took the third ring for him to answer. "Ben, have you seen Audrey?" I inquire.

"Like 30 minutes ago why?" I smacked my lips. "Cause I'm looking for her. Our aunt called me crying, saying come to the hospital. I don't know what's going on, and her phone keep going straight to voicemail." I explained to him.

"We ain't on good terms right now, but I'll still call her." Ben said, "Okay." I hung up. "What he say?" Mina asked. "He said he just seen her like 30 minutes ago, and they're not on good terms, but he still gonna' call her." I told Mina.

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