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sagedadoll My baby is officially 5 months and teething 😍 I can't believe she's growing up so fast 🤧 seems like yesterday when I found out I was pregnant with her 😩❤️

*Comments Disabled*

I finally posted Kanari for her 5th month picture. And I disabled the comments for a reason. There was no need of nobodies opinion, only mine mattered.

I finished putting Kanari's clothes on, and I picked her up. She started to be whiny. I'm not gonna' lie I woke her up out of her sleep.

"Aww stink, you hungry? Or your teeth is bothering you?" I asked as I rubbed the oral gel on her gums. She tried chewing on my finger, but I took it away before she could.

Then, I grabbed her diaper bag, and went downstairs. I sat her baby bag on the table. "Go say bye bye, to da da." I cooed acting like I'm giving her to him. But She actually leaned and reached out for him.

I smacked my lips, as he took her from me. She laid her head on his chest, and looked at me. "You're such a faker. Did all that whining with me." I shook my head, and walked passed them. I gotten her baby food, spoon, bottles, and I put it in her bag.

"You spoiled her, she gonna' be bad." He started laughing. "You jealous." He chuckled. "No I'm not jealous, cause I have you all to myself at night." I looked back at him, and smirked. He smiled and bit his bottom lip.

Raincheckkkk sike, let me stop. "But that is only whenever you spend the night." I said that to be petty as I gotten me a cup out the cabinet. I heard KD and Boomer laughing.

"It wouldn't have ta' be like this if you wouldn't have just move in wit' me." I rolled my eyes and mocked him under my breath.

"Okay so if I move in. What if we don't like it?" I asked, with my eyebrows raised, and my arms crossed. "I be round you twenty four seven, how you - see you always making up excuses ta' why you can't or won't do some." Blah blah blah.

"I don't make excuses. And I'm just saying because if I move in, I'm not gonna' have my house anymore, live with you, we get into a argument, boom we break up, then I'll be ready to leave, and end up, having to move back in with my aunt."

"Nah we not gone break up, you just saying that shit. Like I said excuses. You so made up full of em'." He remarked lowly.

"Kentrell I don't have time for this. Give me my baby so I can leave." I walked up to him with my arms out. "No I'm taking ha'." He grabbed her diaper bag from on the table, walking away. I heard the door closed.

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