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Kentrell and Three left, they went to go pick up everybody. I wanted to go home, but you see I'm still here. He wanted to "talk" after everybody left. So instead of going to Andrea house confronting her, instead I just called her.

"Andrea?" I called. "Y-yeah?" She answered. "Um.. you haven't been hitting me up, what's going on with you?" I asked.

"Sorry, I've been... busy. I'm sorry about your cousin." Andrea said, sincerely.

You have no idea bitch. "Yeah, She was one of my best friends.. I got used to her coming over my house everyday.. It's just been hard.. I wont be able to see her anymore."

"Sage.. Look I have to be honest here.." Andrea started off. "Before.. Audrey got into that accident.. Me and her almost got into a fight.. I never knew that Audrey was messing with Ben nor she did messed with him. That day I just met her.. literally. She came over Ben's house, I didn't know who she was. We were already back and forth arguing, while I was up the stairs. I came down the stairs, and I was like Audrey what are you doing here? Then she was like what am I doing here? Then all of sudden, she snapped on me, trying to jump over Ben, trying to fight me.. So of course, I'm gonna' react too, my intentions weren't to fight Audrey, but she came at me first. Before all of this happened, me and Audrey were cool. We just met and everything. She told me how like she had someone that she been fucking with, and she loved him, but they fell off.. I was telling her how me and my boyfriend made it official. I was the one encouraging her to reach out to him, she was like okay she will. And Out of this whole time we were talking about the same person. I never knew that she was gonna' get into an accident, and I'm truly sorry. Ben broke up with me, because he think it's my fault, and he cant be with me, and I do think its my fault.. I'm sorry." Andrea confessed to me. She started crying while talking.

Here I am, about to confront her, and she finally confessed to me.

"Thank you for telling me that.. I appreciate you confessing that though. But I actually knew about it.."

"I'm sorry Sage.. I really am. I understand if we cant be friends anymore.." Andrea said. "I don't know... I just don't think our relationship would be the same. We can talk sometimes though.."

"Thank you.." She muttered. "I'll talk to you later." I said, hanging up. "What did she say?" Mina asked. "She basically confessed everything to me." I shrugged my shoulders.

"That was nice of her and all, but she didn't have to wait this long to do so." Mina said, nonchalantly. "Maybe, she was feeling guilty about it. She was crying on the phone."

"Oh.. Well.." She muttered before shrugging her shoulders. "So.. you tell him the news?" I asked changing up the subject.

"Yeah, and guess what?" Mina asked. "What?" I asked. "He was happy about it.. I hope he don't go telling everybody neither.." Mina said.

"So.. What's up with you and YB?." Mina inquired, starting up another conversation. "Nothing.. What chu' talking about?"

"Yall looked like yall were up to something, and me and Three heard moaning walking up the steps. Don't lie either Sage." She pointed at me.

"Bitch he was giving me a back massage." I waved her off. "So you mean to tell me, you were gonna' have an orgasm while getting a back massage?" I bust out laughing.

"No.. It's - It's just complicated. I mean I want him back but.. you cant expect just giving me some dick, "Oh we back together" no, we're not." I said, honestly.

"Where was Kanari at while yall was doing this?" Mina asked, laughingly. "Sleep, we were trying to be quiet. That moan accidentally slipped out at that moment."

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