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We pulled up to my mom's, and her car was here, which indicated she was here. "Can you watch her for me? It's just gonna' be a second before she come out." I asked Mina. "Yeah go ahead." I looked in my rear view mirror, she was asleep.

I got out the car, I waved for Senior. He got out of his car, I walked to her doorstep, and I rung the doorbell. As soon as she opened the door, she had a smile on her face but when she seen Senior, her smile faded.

"What are you doing here? What is HE doing here?" She questioned, pointing at Senior. "The question is why did you lie Marilyn? I've been trying to find you! Why didn't you tell me Junior gotten killed? And why didn't you tell me you came back? And why -" I cut him off.

"Didn't you tell us the truth?" I asked with my arms crossed." She's all clean now, can't lie to me anymore. "You know what.. to answer both of y'all questions." She slammed the door in our faces. I stepped back, shook my head, and laughed.

"Wow." I muttered, as I walked away. "She will have to admit to it someday." I heard Senior say. "And I will too.." I rolled my eyes, and got back in my car. She won't tell me the truth, but if I tell the truth, that her deranged daughter tried to kill me, she'll have no choice but to speak it.

I was about to start up my car, until Senior knocked on my window. I raised it down. "Here's my number, call me soon so we can catch up." I took it and set it my cup holder. I raised my window up, and drove away.

"She really slammed the door in my face. Just because I asked a fucking question. She bet not ever call me. I gave her another chance, and I'm done doing that. I feel like I've been doing that all my life!" I exclaimed.

"You feel like what?" Mina asked. "Giving people a second chance. I really have. Maybe because I have a good heart for people but it's like I'm tired like you cross me once you're gonna' eventually cross me again. I'm tired." I said.

"Sometimes it's good to give people a second chance Sage." Mina spoken up. "Sure." I said sarcastically. "It all depends who it is Mina, and if they deserve a second chance or not." I explained. "You want a couple hours tomorrow before you babysit? I know you probably gone want some before we go." I joked, then laughed.

"You know itttt. I'm going to the house though. But I'm driving my car to his house. And you can drop Nari off later today over there, and she can spend the night too." Mina stated. "Do you feel like watching her though? I could get Sherhonda to watch her tomorrow, if you want." I offered.

"Yes I do. And no, I never get to spend time with her.. BY MYSELF. So I'll gladly take her, today and tomorrow." Mina said then she smiled. "Okay." I laughed lowly. I pulled up to my house, parked my car. I'm glad it was just Mina and I car. But I'm lowkey sad, cause they all got girlfriends, and probably not gonna' come over anymore.

Well I know Ben and Three is, but still.. it's fun when everyone here. I took my key out, I got out the car, I took Kanari out, shut and locked my doors. "Have fun!" I called out to Mina.

She laughed, and raised her windows down. "You know I will." She called back. I laughed, and shook my head. I unlocked my house door, I was relieved by the AC. I kicked my sandals off by the door. I locked my door, I went to the living room, I took Kanari out of her car seat. Luckily, she was still sleep, I laid back on the couch, and turned to my side, as I held her.

I kissed her forehead, then I turned on the TV, but made sure the volume was low. I be so bored, when she's asleep but happy at the same time. I sighed, trying to find something to watch.

Meanwhile with Mina... 30 Minutes Later


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