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Few Days Later...

Today is Audrey's funeral. Our family from Maryland, was coming down here for her funeral. Everybody was thinking to have her funeral up there, so she could be buried close to Grandma, but that'll be to much of a hassle. Andrea was coming to her funeral too. Everybody dont know who Andrea is, only us, cause if they knew what happened, everybody would've tried to fight her.

"I hope Aunt Myrtle not cooking after the funeral. Her chicken be tasting all burnt and shit. I feel like she only know how to cook crawfish and that's it." Mina said, while brushing her hair.

Her mom, and her aunt volunteered to help with the food, and stuff. "Mmm BD you looking sexy in that tux. Here let me fix your tie." I stepped in front of him, fixing his tie. "Thanks." He said.

"All my sons looking sophisticated in they tux. And who the fuck - " Mina cut herself off, looking out the window. "What?" Kentrell and I asked in unison. "Who told this nigga that it was okay to look like a zebra at a funeral?" Mina asked pointing at the window.

"Who?" I inquired. The door opened, Three came in with a black and white stripes, and cheetah print suit, and had another suit in his hand. KD, Ben, and Joe, came in afterwards. Montana and Boomer was already here with us.

"Now please tell me, you're wearing your other tux." Mina looked at him and said. "Yeah why?" He asked. "Nothing." She cleared her throat. I was laughing lowly, he sure do know his fashion sense.

"But hey yall." Mina said to them. "Wassup." They said lowly. "What they doing for her body? Is she getting cremated?" KD asked. "I think so.. They let the nurse handle that. I dont know why they gotten that nurse to do that. That bitch acted like she had a attitude." I rolled my eyes and said.

"Bitch didnt like me neither." Mina said. "Yeah she wasn't nice ta' us neither, and she looked weird as fuck, had some type of scratch or scar on her neck." Ben said.

"It looked like a burn to me." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "I dont know and dont wanna' know what the fuck it is. That shit looked nasty." KD said.

"Y'all never know, it could be that girl birth mark." Boomer said. "Nah.. That shit look like a burn."

"Whatever it is, it's irrelevant, this day is about Drey. Gotta' be strong." Mina encouraged us. We all nodded our heads for our response. "It's about to start, so come on yall." I grabbed Kanari's diaper bag, Kentrell grabbed her car seat.

"She riding with you or?" I asked him as we all walked outside. "If you want ha' too." Kentrell said. "Yeah she can ride with me." I unlocked my car doors, and opened the back door for him.

He sat her down and strapped her in. "Thank you." I told him. "You're welcome." He said, then shut the door. I sat down in the drivers seat, while Mina sat in the passengers seat.

I shut the door and starting the ignition. "We gotta' pick up Savannah and Josiah. My other family bet not ask who she is. Especially my Aunt Pearl, her messy old ass." I rolled my eyes, then backed out of my driveway.

"And I'm not staying at the dinner neither, because I know her dumb ass gonna' have something to say. She always throw shade towards my mama, and us. Hopefully, she don't have a mouthful at the dinner."

"Just don't pay her no mind. Remember this is Audrey's day, you could give a fuck about Pearl's shit tomorrow, but today.. You can't." Mina implied. "I'll try.." I muttered.

As I went to go pick up Josiah, and Savannah, traffic was picking up. I sighed out of aggravation, and went another way. When I pulled to Savannah's house, she was already walking out. "Damn like clockwork." Mina snickered.

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