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After I left Mina house, I drove over back ikto my house. I immediately stripped down to my panties and bra but I put on one of K's shirts. I wasn't expecting any company yet, depends. But I wonder who's house we're gonna' be in.

(Even though this is off topic but I know y'all seen how Samsung shaded the fuck outta' Apple 😭 .. It's old now.. (I typed this when the video was posted 💀) I like them both really.. 🤷🏽‍♀️ But I'm team iPhone 😭)

As I thought about it, I needed a plan while it was still early. I tossed and turned, thinking. Should I call him? Or he call me? Matter fact, let it ring. Nah, turn the phone off. Perfect. I turned it off, and sighed.

I tossed the phone across the bed. "So bored.." I groaned. I feel like prank calling, I got off my bed, went downstairs, and as soon as I was about to grab my house phone, it started ringing. I jumped at the sound. I grabbed it, and I looked at the caller ID.

It was my Aunt of course. She stay calling me off my house phone. I answered the call, I already knew why she calling, because of Marilyn. "He -"

"Before you say anything, I already know why you called me." I spoken. "What? Girl what are you talking about? I just wanted to see if you wanted to go out to eat, there's something, I want to tell you." I sighed out of relief. I looked at the time, it was 4:55.

"Um.." I was contemplating whether I should say yes or no, I mean I haven't seen her, so why not. "Give me like an hour." I told her.

"Okay, I'll pick you up." I shook my head, and smiled. "In a hour though." I assured her. "Okay bye." I said fastly then I hung up. I huffed then blow, as I looked at the bag of stuff.

I'll do that when I come back. I already know that's nowhere near the time, he'll be back, since he had a show in New Orleans, and etc. I haven't talked to him all day, despite earlier in the morning when I left his house.

I knew he was gonna' be calling me soon. But anyways, I went upstairs, took me a shower, then I gotten dressed, did my hair, and brushed my teeth. I was done approximately at the hour. I waited about 10 minutes until she came.

She blew the horn, what caught my attention. I walked out the house, and locked the door. I walked towards her car, I opened the passenger side door, and sat in the front seat.

"You look cute, and where's the baby?" She inquired. "Thanks. She's with Mina and Three." I informed her. "Mm, tryna' have adult time huh?" She looked at me, and asked. I bust out laughing. "Maybe." I snickered. "Y'all better be wearing a condom." She giggled. "Trust me, no babies popping out of me, no time soon. Swear makes me think about my labor. I almost passed out." I stated.

She laughed after that, "You remind me so much of Marilyn." I rolled my eyes, crossed my arms, and looked at my reflection in the window as she drove.

"Back when we were younger." She corrected. I was still looking out the window. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing, I'm fine." I assured her. "You sure?" She asked again, I nodded my head for my response.

"Okay." She muttered, I notice she was driving with only her right hand, she normally drives with both.

(Stg I drive with both hands too 😭, and with both feet, 💀)

I guess she noticed I was staring at her, cause she looked at me. "What?" She asked. I furrowed my eyebrows, blinking my eyes, looking away. "Nothing It's just that you drive with both hands, and you're only using one." I uttered.

"What? I can't drive with one hand?" She was grinning. She looked happy and different. "You're grinning like - like you a new woman or something." She bust out laughing. "Sage, are you trying to say that I'm glowing?" I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes.

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