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You can't take them nowhere." I shook my head at Savannah and April acting a fool on the table. My laugh and smile faded once I seen Unique and Indigo. "Your baby mama here." I pointed her out to Three.

He smacked his lips, "Mina don't start." I rolled my eyes and waved him off. "She leaving anyway."

"Where is Sage?" I looked around for her. I didn't see her nowhere. "She right - " Three gotten cut off by glass shattering, and a girl screaming.

We stood up, security was kicking this girl out with pink hair out. "I remember when I got kicked out. That was so embarrassing, then to be locked up for only 30 minutes." I laughed, reminiscing that day.

"That look like ole girl though. But oh well." I shrugged my shoulders. Sage came up, she snuck up behind K, and hugged him. "They needa' stop playing and get back together." I shook my head and said. "Just like us." Three grabbed my hand.

"No you still got making up to do so keep ya' hands to yourself." I moved his hand off mine. I was about to get up but he sat me down on his lap. I smacked my lips, and looked back at him. "Really." I said with a straight face. He laughed, I shook my head annoyed.

"What?" He chuckled. "You need to be a inch away from me, and you did this on purpose." I rolled my eyes and said. "Where's the bartender, I need me a drink." I said bluntly.

"You need a what?" He sat his cup down and looked at me. "You heard me I need a drink. People in my condition can drink." I said truthfully. Pregnant girls can drink.. just nonalcoholic drinks. Like a daquiri and a virgin Bloody Mary.

"Drink fucking water. Don't play with me." Three said, I laughed how he got serious, but wanted to play with me earlier. "No, I'm getting me a drink. I'm getting a Bloody Mary." A virgin one though.

"No you not. You keep fucking with me Mina, like I won't fuck you up in here." He said, "Shit you will?" I smirked, and turned my body around facing him. He straight faced me, I laughed, cause now he see how I feel.


"Why you playing with my belt?" Kentrell asked me. I'm not gonna' lie, I was horny, and I was in need bad. "You know why, I'm in need bad. Let's go home." I whined while clinging onto Kentrell.

He didn't do anything but ignored me, I smacked my lips, and walked away from him. I sat with Mina and Three, with my arms crossed. "What's wrong witchu' Sage?" Mina asked, as she sipped her drink.

"Kentrell not tending to my needs. Whenever he horny, I always was come to the rescue, even when he - " Mina cut me off by covering my mouth.

"Sage shhh you're drunk." Mina shushed me while laughing. I moved her hand away, "I am not drunk. I'm just horny." I crossed my arms, pouting.

"Y'all forgetting I'm right here right?" Three asked, I looked over he was behind Mina. "I forgot you was right there again. My bad."

"Sage, you ready to go home? I'll take you." Mina offered. "No I want Kentrell to take me home. And plus I'm not going home tonight, I'm going to his house."

"You're confusing me. You're going home but you want Kentrell to take you cause you're going to his house?" Mina asked curiously, squinting her eyes at me.

"Yes. He's taking me to his house. — No wait, I'm going home since he pissing me off. And yeah I'm talking about you." He looked back at me while I was talking. He shook his head at me, and started walking up to me.

"Mane come on, you doing too much." He grabbed my hand, and lifted me up. "Yayyy I can get some dick." I stuck my tongue out, and looked at Mina with a wink.

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