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"Kentrell, you been playing that game for hours, and been yelling at the tv, and the players. You asked me to come over, and you're playing the game." He ignored me for the fifth time. Ever since 2k19 came out, he been playing it all day since I've been here, and also been betting money on it too.

I even threw a pillow at him, trying to get his attention, normally he'd curse me out, but that still didn't work. I looked around, trying think of what I could do to get his attention.

I seen my phone lit up. I blinked my eyes, then it hit me. I could use my phone to get his attention. I texted Mina, letting her know the plan. I told her when I call her, mute her background.

I called her, and she picked up. I smirked, cause this was gonna' get to him. "Hey, What chu' doing?.. Nothing.. Yeah I'm around him.. I'm about to leave, he not paying attention to me.. And shit you will?" I looked up at him in between my sentences. I giggled at my last sentence, he looked up, and turned his head to me. I looked away smiling.

"Who you talking too?" Kentrell asked, "Huh?" I acted like I didn't hear him. He smacked his lips, and sat his controller down. He got up, and walked to me.

"Mane who you talking too?" Kentrell asked again, I put my phone on my other ear. "Huh?" I can tell he was getting mad. He tried to reach over and snatch my phone from me. I grabbed his arm, and pulled him on top of me, locking him in between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Get off of me." Kentrell tried to get up. I held on tighter, "Stop Kentrell I was just play - Oww! Why you do that?" I let go of him, and held the side of my neck. He bit my neck hard. "You play too fucking much." He got up and smacked the side of my leg.

"Kentrell that hurt! Look what you did!" I pointed to his hand print on my leg. I smacked my lips and laid on my side, facing the headboard, on my phone. "Aww bae I'm sorry." He rubbed my leg, I pushed his hand. "Go back and play your game." I waved him off.

He leaned down and kissed my leg, "Is that better?" I shook my head and laughed. "Wrong leg, but I guess."

After I said that, he went back to playing his game. I saw a text from Lani and my mom, she wanted me to come over, and she wanted me to bring Kanari for a play date with her nephew.

I clicked on my mom's message, it was a picture of her holding Kanari.

Mommy 💗👩🏼‍🦱

My Whole Heart ❤️ & Why do you have Snapchat 😑

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My Whole Heart ❤️ & Why do you have Snapchat 😑

I'm grown 😘 & i have some news to tell you, I have GREAT news

What news?

I can't say it in a text, Ima call you 🥰

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