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We pulled up to Sherhonda house. Her car and Starr's car was here. We got out the car, I saw Kentrell going another direction from the door.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"To the mailbox." He opened it, but scrunched his face up. "What's wrong?"

"Aint shit in hea'. Come on." He walked towards the door, I followed him. He opened it, and the door was open.

When he opened it, it was Starr and Sherhonda sitting across from each other.

"How did you - " Starr asked. "The door was open. And you get cho' results?" Kentrell asked her.

"Yeah, they right here." She pointed at the envelope, on the table. When he went to go reach for it, she grabbed it. "Fuck you grabbing them fa', let me see it." He snatched the envelope from her.

"What? I was just about to give it to you." He smacked his lips, mumbling stuff under his breath, while ripping the envelope.

"And what chu' doing hea'? I thought y'all broke up?" Sherhonda inquired, looking at me.

"We are broken up. And since y'all so-called needed a DNA test on my daughter. Here it go." I didn't hesitate on giving her my results. She needed to see the truth.

She read it, and sighed. "Well congratulations Kentrell, you got 5 kids." I rolled my eyes, he been had 5.

"4." I heard him say. "What?" Sherhonda asked. "I got 4." After he said that, everybody looked at Starr, who was speechless.

"Who else did you fuck two years ago?" Kentrell asked. "W-what?" She stuttered.

"You heard what the fuck I just said! Who else did you fuck?" He yelled in anger.

"He still your son Kentrell. Blood or not. Baby K is still your little boy." Sherhonda spoken, taking up for Starr. The fact that Starr did Kentrell so dirty, Sherhonda still willing to take up for her.

"Exactly and Kentrell you knew that Baby K wasn't yours!" Starr exclaimed. He was about to go over to her but I grabbed him, and Sherhonda stood out the way.

"Mane you sound stupid as fuck. I gotta' go before I do something to this bitch mane." Kentrell said, while shaking his head, walking out the door.

"Kentrell!" Sherhonda called.

"Oh so I'm a bitch now? You wanna' do all of this just because she right there?" Starr pointed at me. That made me turn around.

"First of all.." I begin to say. "I have nothing to do with y'all fucking problems! My problem is why the fuck y'all tryna' play me about my daughter, when my daughter is actually his!" I yelled.

"Sage nobody wasn't trying to play you." Starr scoffed, and waved me off. "Oh but y'all was. Y'all can stay the fuck away from me and daughter. And matter of fact y'all not seeing daughter period. Bye." After said that I walked out the door.

"You have no control over that! She still my granddaughter whether you like it or not, I have a say so too." Sherhonda said at her door.

"No you don't. And whether YOU like or not, you're still not seeing Kanari." I said as I got in the car, and he pulled off fast.

The car ride was silent. I looked over at him, "You okay?" I ask, "Fuck no, I ain't okay." He answered. "Bad shit always happening to me." He said.

"I'm sorry you found that out today." I put my hand over his, and rubbed it. He moved his hand away. "It's ight, I was gonna' find out eventually. I rather know now instead of when he get older."

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