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"Ugh you're out of milk. I knew I was suppose to get you some more cans." She was crying nonstop. Savannah and Andrea even tried rocking her.

"Can yall watch her while I go to the store real quick? " I asked them both. "Yeah we can but we gone have to talk about what Mina said when you get back." Savannah said.

"Okay that's fine. Bye stink Mommy is gonna' be back with your milk." I walked out the door. I hate when she cry. It hurts me when she do. I rushed to get in my car.

I started my ignition, and backed out my driveway. I drove to nearest grocery store. I hopped out my car, and jogged inside. I grabbed a cart, and went to the baby aisle. I grabbed a lot cans. I stopped once I seen a hand with tattoos, reached over to get some diapers.

"My fault." He said. "You good." I continued to get some more cans. "Wait.. Sage is that you?" I furrowed my eyebrows. How the fuck this stranger know my name?

I turned my head slightly, and it revealed my ex boyfriend. "Hi Devante." I fake smiled and waved at him. "Damn.. you look different. How you been?" He asked.

"Been great. Somebody finally makes me feel special in my life."

"Oh the nigga you cheated on me with.." He laughed. I rolled my eyes, I turned around and grabbed two more cans of milk. "I see you shopping for milk. Let me guess, you had his baby too." He said.

"I sure did. A beautiful healthy baby girl. And I see you're shopping for diapers, how's your baby? He should be 2 right?" I inquired, crossing my arms.

"Nah he about to be 2. But aye.. I aint gone hold you but.. I'm sorry for cheating on you, and treating you bad when we were together." Devante said.

"Don't be sorry. If it wasn't for you doing that, I wouldn't have gotten the chance on meeting my daughter or the love of my life. So you keep your sorry. It was nice seeing you by the way." I walked away smiling. I bet his ass feel guilty and bad.

I walked to the register, and paid for the milk. I jogged out the store, and got in my car. I drove home fast. Once I got home, I parked my car in my driveway. I got out, and ran inside. I didn't hear any baby cries. I saw Savannah still rocking her.

"Is she sleep?" I asked her. "No. Her eyes still open." Andrea said. I hurried up took a milk can out the bag. I made her a bottle, and took her from Savannah. I went upstairs, and sat in my rocking chair in her room.

I watched how she was falling asleep. She kept blinking her eyes as I fed her. "Stop fighting your sleep." I told her. I turned my head cause I heard footsteps. Her door opened, Kentrell walked in her room.

"She sleep?" He asked. "No but she go - " He cut me off by taking her from me. "You sleepy mama?" I smacked my lips, and sighed. Now he know I was trying to put her to sleep. "Dada missed you." He cooed, and kissed her cheek.

She all happy, laughing, and smiling. I shook my head. "Now she not gonna' go to sleep. You playing with her."

"So? I aint see ma' baby all day." Kentrell said. "You didn't see neither of us. Yall straight up left to go to New Orleans. But for what though?" I asked him.

"To pick up some'. Don't worry about it." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Oh okay. Don't let me find out its because of a bitch down there neither." I got up from the rocking chair, and walked out the room.

"Mane don't start." He said sternly. I didn't say nothing after that. All Ima' say is if I find out its about a bitch, we are done. No getting back together neither. Last OFFICIAL time. Ain't no way, he didn't have a show or a interview, so why are you going to New Orleans?

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