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"Bennn, come over here. I miss you, and I'm sick." I whined on the phone.

"Why would I come over there if you sick Audrey? Nigga you should be asleep." I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes.

"I'm not even sick like that Ben. I'm stomach sick, and I haven't seen you for 3 days. Plus when you was sick, I came over." I said.

I was really lying about being sick, I just wanted him to come over.

"Ight, I'm coming. You need anything?" Ben asked. "You. And come over by yourself. I can hear them in the background, and I know they gonna' piss me off." They loud asses, always like messing with somebody. Especially when you "sick."

"On my way." After he said that, he hung up. I smiled and got off the bed. I walked downstairs, I unlocked the front door, then I went upstairs into my room.

I laid back in my bed, I texted Ben letting him know the door was open. I lowkey missed when Sage and Mina lived here. I sometimes walk by their old rooms. I be here all by myself until it's almost night time.

I waited about 10 minutes for Ben, I heard the door open. "Audrey! Where you at?" Ben called.

"Upstairs in my room. Come up and lock the door." I yelled out. I heard the door closed, the lock, and his loud footsteps.

He opened the door, he had bags. He gave me two, then got on my bed, and laid behind me. "What's this?" I questioned. He smacked his lips.

"Look for yo' self." I opened it, I seen medicine, brownies, chips, cookies, Hershey bars, and more junk food. Then I looked at the other bag, this nigga brought me food. I was having a awe moment.

"Thank youuuu Ben." I squealed. I turned around, hugged him, and kissed him all over his face. His eyes was closed, he had his arm on his face. I grabbed his chin, and kissed him.

He kissed me back, after awhile, I pulled away blushing. It was about to get heated. Y'all know when a girl has a crush on somebody, get butterflies, and shit.

I still get them butterflies, even though we almost on that level. Ben is so cute, and I'm just so attracted to him. He makes me smile and laugh, I want this to last even though, I'd be going down to Florida, to see my mom, might move back in with her, and also go to college.

Sometimes I felt like I should've stayed with my mom back down there. She's been talking to me since I was 13, now I'm 18. My dad basically took my brothers and sisters and I, from my mom, when I was 10 years old.

He secretly gotten custody and my mom was served, then he took us, and we moved from Baton Rouge, to Houston. I was tired of it, I missed my mom, my dad wouldn't let me have contact of her, but I still reached out to her through my aunt (Mom's Sister.)

I hated being in Houston, I'm not gonna' lie, I rather stay in Baton, even though I ain't like being in BR either, cause I have bad memories here, except memories with my cousins and aunts.

Sage, Rahkim, and Mina too, Mina and I relationship is complicated. One minute, we like each other then next minute, "Bitch fuck you!" "I'll beat cho' ass."

It's a love hate relationship, don't give me wrong I love Mina but we sometimes don't see eye to eye but we still cool. They were my day ones, especially Rahkim.

When I found out he gotten killed, like the last time I ever seen Rah, was when we moved the first time, that was the last time I ever seen him.

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