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"Mina, what if we didn't go to Kentrell's concert last year.. You think I wouldn't be where I'm at right now?" Sage asked curiously.

I was tryna' enjoy my food, and she asked a question like this out of nowhere.

"I wouldn't say that. Either way, you still would've some how gotten with YB, cause remember I knew them, and was already talking to Bae, before that concert." I said and shrugged my shoulders.

Either way things do and don't happen for a reason.  "I guess. And - " She was cut off by Kanari whining, trying to reach for Sage's fries, I started laughing, Sage fed her one.

"That don't make no sense. Who feeding you real food?.." Sage trailed off. "Sage you be feeding her real food. That's probably why she did that." Sage frowned.

"Spoiled ass. She gonna' be bad when she get older.. I can feel it.. gonna' be fighting and stuff." Sage shook her head, as I laughed.

"Most likely yeah, all she has is brothers, a lot of uncles, and her daddy.. You know they gone teach her that. But to be honest that's a good thing." I uttered as I ate my food.

"Mm I guess.." Sage trailed off, then she was looking at somebody, I seen who she was looking at, a older pregnant woman. She had two kids at the table, and I think either her boyfriend or husband. They look in their 40's.

But Sage focused wasn't on the pregnant woman anymore. It was on the man.

"You miss being pregnant?" I asked her, curiously. "I'll be back." She gave me Kanari, and she got up from our table, and walked over to their table.

Why did she go over there?


"Rahkim?" I called. "Yo'?" He said up the stairs. "I have a question.." I uttered.

"What's that?" He came down the stairs. "Do you know what our dad is like?" I asked curiously.

"No.. Why?" He asked. "I don't know.. I just.. I don't know anything about him.." I shrugged. He sighed, wiped his face, "Come on."  I followed him up the stairs, into his room.

I plopped down on his bed, he went to his drawer, then his closet, pulling out stuff. He tossed them back on the bed. I opened, what seems like a photo book.

"That's Senior. That's you that he's holding. Senior ain't never coming back. After you were born, that nigga just left, disappeared. Fucking went Houdini. We don't need em', we good without em'. I made sure of that. That's why I gotta' do what I gotta' do." Rahkim said then he pulled a gun out. I heard it cocked.

"Rah, Mama is going to kill you, if she seen you with a gun!" I exclaimed. "I do what I want. But continue looking at the pictures. Recognize him, Incase if I'm not here, and you find him or see him one day, beat his ass." I nodded my head.

"Okay." I said. "But what if I don't?" I asked. "Trust me, niggas like him you'll find. And Sage? Don't ever attract a dead beat ass nigga that's not gone do shit for you. You hear me?"  I nodded my head again.

"You don't want nobody like Senior. I had to find out for myself. Shit I wish I wasn't named after him. Ion even go by Junior anymore." He chuckled. "But it's all gone come back on him one day. Mama too.. for not telling you shit." He shrugged.

"Senior?" I called his name. He looked at me, and furrow his eyebrows. "Senior?" He asked confused. "Yes Senior. As in Rahkim Malik Anderson Sr." I recognized him from the picture. It is him.

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