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"Sage?" My mom snapped her fingers at me. "Yeah?" I blinked my eyes, and looked at her. "Did you hear me?" She asked.

I cleared my throat. "Sorry... Um what did you say?"

"Pearl said that they named the baby Ximena. You ever came across a Ximena before?" She inquired.

Yes I did, the bitch almost killed me!

"No." I shook my head. "I wonder who she look like. Me.. Y'all brother, or - Never mind." My mama muttered.

"Who? Senior?" I asked, but she shook her head. "She has a different daddy from y'all two. I was on and off with Rahkim. I was currently off when I began my relationship with Ximena's dad.. I thought Rahkim was the love of my life but.. He wasn't. I was in love with Daniel. He was so different.."

"What happen to him?" I ask, interrupting her sentence. "He was married. Cut me off completely out of his life when he found out I was pregnant. I was so young. I don't know where he is now." Duh that's what you get for messing with someone that's married.

She cleared her throat then looked at me. "I know I haven't been the best mother... To you, your brother, and your sister." I cringed after she said sister. That bitch ain't nothing to me. She's DEAD to me, literally.

"I try my best to get better. Even when I'm clean it's hard. I can't give you anything. You have everything, and I'm proud of you." My mama said. She wiped her eyes. I think she was crying, I hope not. My big cry baby ass would cry with her.

"Thank you." I muttered. "You talk to your father?" She asked. "No. I've been busy. Ima' call him today. See if he wanna' chat and get to know each other. I'm not letting Kanari be around him until I'm actually comfortable with him."

"Comfortable?" My mama said, laughingly. "Yeah comfortable. I know he's my dad but we barely know each other. We're like complete strangers. And besides what if I don't like him?"

"I think you'll like your dad. And I think you should take Savannah with you." I furrowed my eyebrows and tilt my head, looking at my mama.

"Why? He's not meeting my nephew yet either."

"Um Savannah, so he can meet your brother's baby mama. Don't you think?" I sighed and rolled my eyes. "She gonna' say no. I'll ask her just so you won't say I didn't. Be right back."

"Savannah?" I went back inside the house and called her name. "Yeah?" She answered. "You wanna' meet my dad tomorrow? You said no, oh okay." I said fast.

"Yeah I can." Damnit! "I wanna' meet your dad!" I heard Mina say, then everybody else began saying it. I hurried up and walked out the door. I sighed, laying my back against it.

"She said yeah. And how did you get here? You got a ride?"

"No." My mama said. I looked at the sky, it was getting dark. "Were you ready to go?" I asked her, "Yeah.. I'm kind of tired. This is day has been horrible for me."

Me too.. "Ima' get my keys." I went back in the house, and grabbed my keys off the rack. Nobody paid attention, how loud they asses were, playing 2K.

I shut and locked the door. "Come on."

"You know it's been almost 5 years.. And I still haven't went to your brother's grave."

"Really?" I looked at her. "I feel guilty of his death. If we never would've argued that day, he probably would've stayed home."

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