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"You don't have to stay," Ryan says as Brendon pulls into his driveway. "I'll just text you whenever I wake up, or something."

"You're insane."

"How so?"

"If you think I'm letting you be alone tonight, you've actually lost your mind, Ross. You shouldn't be alone, and I won't let it happen. So, either I'll stay, or I can text Z and you can be interrogated for the rest of the night. Your choice."

"You fucking suck," Ryan mutters, only half joking, getting out of the car.

"I know, darling," Brendon says, giving Ryan a sarcastic smile and following him up to the doorstep.

"Again with the darling," Ryan says with a small eye roll.

"Once again, tis but a habit. Now are you gonna unlock the fucking door or not?"

"Goodness, you're impatient."

"Okay, well, its fucking freezing out here."

"Please, it's like 50 degrees. It's not that bad."

"Well we haven't all been living in Pennsylvania for the last two years, Ryan. We don't all only get cold if there's two blizzards going on at the same time," he says as Ryan finally opens the door.

"Its not that bad in Pennsylvania. New York? Maybe. But Pennsylvania? Nah."

"Okay, but did I ask? No."

"Okay, but fuck off, bitch."

"Shut up, you love me."

"Is that what they're calling it these days? Huh, back in my day it was called hatred."

"Ryan Ross, I am hurt," Brendon says with a faux gasp.

"Nice to meet you hurt, have you seen Brendon lately?" Ryan says, smiling at Brendon. Brendon groans. "You know, its funny, he's wearing the exact same outfit as you. Same hair cut, too."

"Have I ever told you how much I absolutely fucking hate you?"

"No, I really don't think you have."

"Are you sure? Cause I think I have."

"Well that's just plain rude then."

"I know I am, darling. Now go to bed, its almost three in the fucking morning."

"Brendon, I literally just drank coffee. I'm not falling asleep any time soon."

"Just a little less than an hour ago you were falling asleep on my shoulder, I think you'll be fine. Now, go. Room," Brendon says, taking Ryan by the shoulders and turning him towards the direction of his bedroom.

"You sound like a mother, god damn."

"Would that make you the rebellious teenager?"

"Was there ever any doubt that I was?"

"Good point. Now go."

"I'm just gonna lay there for hours, you know."

"Don't care."

"You're heartless, Urie," Ryan says, finally giving in and walking back to his room.

He lies down on the bed, shocked for a moment, as he forgot that beds can actually be comfortable after using the cheapest mattress he could find for college, and takes out his phone. Time goes quickly while he's scrolling through Instagram and playing Piano Tiles. Soon enough, its 4:30, and he hears Brendon walking down the hall, probably coming to yell at Ryan for not going to sleep. Ryan decides that he wants to avoid being scolded at all costs and pretends to be asleep.

Brendon opens the door only slightly, just enough to see inside, not wanting to wake Ryan with the light from the hallway. He walks in as quietly as possible, and goes to the side of the bed. Planting a small and gentle kiss to Ryan's forehead, Brendon  whispers, "I love you," so quiet it's almost silent. However, it was just loud enough for Ryan to hear it.

Hi sorry this chapter is highkey shit I literally forgot how to write

But anyways
Getting off the topic of me being shit
Daniel has this habit of taking my phone and drawing random shit in the notes app and this is the most recent one

But anywaysGetting off the topic of me being shit Daniel has this habit of taking my phone and drawing random shit in the notes app and this is the most recent one

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it  belongs in a museum

So I really fucking hate my cousins right now
I think I've said it before but two of them had pink eye on Easter, my mom has it now so I'm probably gonna get it
And we have to take them to school tomorrow and one of them has strep throat
Pink eye and strep
Wonderful combination

Speaking of cousins
The one that has strep posted this fucking mood 

So I took some fucking like buzzfeed quiz yesterday that was like "we'll tell you your age by the words you use"And they said I was fucking 41Like famOff by just a few years there

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So I took some fucking like buzzfeed quiz yesterday that was like "we'll tell you your age by the words you use"
And they said I was fucking 41
Like fam
Off by just a few years there

Are y'all ready to bitch now
Cause I'm ready to bitch
Let's goooo

So I was talking to these girls that I recently found out liked panic and I was like "oh maybe we can be friends or something"
So we're talking, its going good, and I decide that I should probably bring up how much of a fucking slut I am for Ryan Ross just in case they're like some hardcore brallon stan
So I do
And one of them is like
"Oh, that's cool. I don't really like Ryan that much, he's actually one of my least favorite past members. I just don't really see how he contributed at all."

B i t c h
just wanna say first that this won't be about how she doesn't like him, that's her opinion and its fine even though I think she's entirely fucking wrong
But the fact that she said he didn't contribute
The band literally would not exist if not for him
He made the band, it was his
He was behind literally every lyric on Fever
So without him, Fever wouldn't exist
Now Pretty. Odd., sure it was more collaborative, but he still played a major part in it, it was still mostly him
So, yet another album that wouldn't exist without George Ryan Ross the third
We also might not have the gem that is Nearly Witches

And he also gave so fucking much for that band, only to lose it in five years time
Like (I don't know if this is true, I just heard it from someone) he left college for the band, a college that he had a full ride to
Dont fucking tell me he didn't contribute at all to the band

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