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Ryebread: remember the Junie B. Jones books

Bren: uuuhhh

Bren: yeah I think so

Bren: I never read them but I remember seeing them

Ryebread: ok what did

Ryebread: what did the B stand for

Zeee: fam they never exposed her like that

Ryebread: why woukd you word it like that

Zeee:  ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯

Bren: wait wait wait

Bren: I know what it stands for

Bren: its for Back The Fuck Out Of Her Personal Life

Ryebread: wow that's a really long middle name

Zeee: why would her parents put a profanity in her middle name that's so  inconsiderate

Zeee: like its the first day of school and the teacher does a weird ass ice breaker

Zeee: "ok class let's tell everyone our middle names"

Zeee: and she has to say that

Bren: ok but literally who the fuck would use that as an ice breaker

Zeee: shut up ok I needed a good example

Bren: but thats not a good example at all

Bren: for it to be good it would be realistic and that is in no way realistic

Zeee: I couldn't think of anything else fuck off

Will.i.ams: y'all are dumb

Ryebread: oh here we go again

Ryebread: here comes Hayley Williams, proving us all wrong, yet again

Will.i.ams: :)

Will.i.ams: anyways the B probably stands for Barbara because that's the authors name

Bren: Ummm that's too logical therefore its dumb and you're wrong

Will.i.ams: that doesn't make any sense but ok

Zeee: WAIT

Ryebread: chill

Zeee: y'all are all wrong

Zeee: it literally says it in the books

Zeee: its Beatrice

Zeee: if y'all just read a book for once in your lives you would've  known

Ryebread: ok well neither of us ever read them fight me

Ryebread: I just remember them from some people reading them in like first grade

Ryebread: so you can fight me Elizabeth

Zeee: 🖕

Y'all so two nights ago a fucking bug fell on the pillow right next to my god damn head and I am so disgusted
So I sprayed a shit ton of Lysol on the bed and changed the pillow case where it fell but now the pillows don't match and it bothers me
God I hate summer
I can't wait til all the bugs fuck off and go to hell this winter

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