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Ryebread: Brendon

Ryebread: can you please answer me Bren

Ryebread: I don't want to explain this to you over fucking kik so please just answer your damn phone

Zeee: damn it Ryan

Zeee: what did you do

Spence: y'all literally just got back together what the fuck is this

Ryebread: ok first of all its not my fault the author wanted to create unnecessary drama

Zeee: wow

Zeee: fourth wall who?

Spence: I don't know her

Ryebread: k y'all can either fuck off or help me get Brendon to answer me

Zeee: the second option sounds like way too much work sweetie sorry

Spence: honestly yeah

Ryebread: wow fuck you guys ok

Zeee: I mean what do you expect us to do

Zeee: you're the one that fucked up

Spence: wait what'd you even do

Ryebread: he thinks me and my roommate are dating

Ryebread: and to be fucking honest he has every right to think that cause she literally fucking said we were

Ryebread: but we aren't

Zeee: wait I'm confused

Zeee: if you're not a thing then why would she say you were

Bren: exactly what I'm thinking

Spence: holy shit he's alive

Bren: um actually no I'm Brendon so uh check yourself

Zeee: nice to know they can both still be little sarcastic bitches even when their relationship is in danger

Ryebread: bren can you let me explain this to you

Ryebread: like face to face and without Elizabeth watching over every word

Bren: you have

Bren: around 200 to 300 words

Ryebread: does that include or exclude dialogue tags

Bren: uuuhhh

Bren: includes

Bren: the author is too lazy to count it without the tags

Ryebread: hm

Ryebread: understandable I guess

Ryebread: I mean who has energy these days

Bren: certainly not me that's for sure

Ryebread: ain't that a mood

Bren: fight me

Ryebread: :)

My theology final was yesterday and I definitely bombed it but its chill
Never thought I'd be saying that about theology wow
But it was all matching, and there was one section where the only word I knew was circumcision
Mr. Latona's going out with a bang

I have Latin today and am highkey scared for it but you know that's also chill
I didn't study at all so we're just gonna pray honestly
But honestly I think I'll be somewhat fine ?
Cause according to my teacher, if we got an A+ both quarters we could just not show up to the final and still end the year with a C so its all good fam
And like we get two walks of shame, which is basically if you don't know the definition of a vocab word he'll give it to you
And I'm getting 15 bonus for knowing my grammar (I'm better at latin grammar than english and its highkey scary but whatever)

In about three hours
I will officially be a Free Woman™
For about two months
And then band camp starts
And then hell
But its chill

So the memorial day parade went right by my house and the band in it was off step and it like highkey bothered me

It amazes me how some high school bands have so many people
Like one school that we always play has enough sousaphones to spell out their schools name (which is eight)
We have one sousaphone
And he's not even that good
Other schools I've seen have had fucking armies of clarinets, we have one
Our rival school has triple the amount of people than we do
And I dont get it

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