Chapter 1- Cruising

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Miss me?...I missed you all terribly! I am glad to be back in your company...Feel me smile:)

Enjoy chapter 1, my lovelies x

Part Two

Chapter One

I'm sitting on Crew Deck 3, swaddled in a long kaftan, a cardigan, layers of sun block and a large straw hat. Which, by the way, cost me a shocking 18 dollars at the beach shop aboard the Majestic Coral.

The Coral is the ship Tina and I boarded a few weeks ago to work on for the next three months. Half of our contract has already lapsed and we have settled into the strange and exciting world of working on board a cruise ship.

I pull the flimsy hat tighter down onto my head. The winter sun is stark and a brisk wind is blowing. I look over at Tina who is sprawled out on a deck chair next to me. She is in her favorite black bikini. The icy cold fingers of the wind that reach under the layers of my clothing and accost me, don't seem to be bothering her in the least.

You would think, by looking at her, that we are in the middle of summer!

Tina is a sun goddess, and in the many weeks that we have been aboard the cruise ship, I have watched her pale skin turn into a healthy golden tan as she basks on this very deck every free moment we get.

Considering that it's the middle of winter, our ritual of basking in the sun is kind of ridiculous, but I oblige her because she's my best friend. Also, it isn't that cold for winter and most days are sunny. But a crisp, icy wind prevails.

I, myself, am not a sun worshipper. I'm quite happy lying undercover, fully clothed and remaining as inconspicuous as is possible during these 'tanning' sessions.

By the looks of things presently, with us lounging about sipping on mocktails, one would think that a working holiday was just that – a holiday. But it's so far from the truth that I think I'm going to need a recovery period once I get back home.

Damn, were we both in for a shock once we finally boarded the ship after the week long induction. To say that we've hardly slept over the last six weeks is an understatement. Life aboard the Coral is pretty hectic. I don't think I've ever worked this hard at anything in my life!

Thank God Tina and I only have a three month contract. I can't contemplate how some people have made this their life careers. I've discovered that some whole families live and work aboard ships like these, getting off only once or twice a year to catch up with family and friends from ashore. You will need some serious sea legs to stomach a job like this.

...Which I don't have, by the way! I discovered this pretty soon after boarding when a wave of sea sickness hit me like a tsunami.

It's been a battle keeping the queasy feeling at bay. I've been popping pills for sea sickness like breath mints ever since we left shore for the first time.

But at least the seasickness is a good excuse for covering up the morose mood that I've been in since discovering Riaan's betrayal. 

The thought of it still makes me ill, so I slot it neatly into that little place in my head I refuse to go to over the past week. I've tortured myself enough over it. I refuse to let it get the better of me anymore.

Tina and I have been pretty lucky with our jobs aboard the ship. With my dancing background and Tina's love for yoga, we have managed to secure jobs in the fitness studio, conducting classes in the day for health freaks who refuse to just over-eat at the free buffet and lounge about at the poolside getting drunk like most other passengers.

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